I’m interested in photographic reconstruction, and have used SketchUp’s Photo Match utility. I would like to import the view or camera transform and other details into Blender to continue working on the model.
So far I have come up with this:
Exporting the Face Me components using the Kerkythea renderer plugin generates and XML file with the camera transform.
Is there a way to manually input this data into a camera in Blender, or is there a photomatch method in Blender that I could use?
I’ve been using GSU (free) alongside Blender lately. I’m sure you’ve exported to Google Earth 4 .kmz and extracted the .dae only to find it does not contain lens data. However, I’ve found the position and rotation to be correct so all I’ve had to do is dial in the lens until it looks right (after loading the original photomatched image into the background.)