Photographer - Camera Exposure, White Balance, Autofocus, Physical Lights, Bokeh, Render Queue

You and many like you are very generous with your addons. Arguably too generous. I’m all for Blender devs making damn good money and charging reasonable prices if their addons are incredible, have a great ROI and pay for themselves lickity-split for a pro like myself. E-Cycles, for instance, is essential in a professional Blender environment, imho, Mathieu works like lunatic on it, and I truly hope he is making a killing on it. Most of the addons I know of make things easier and way faster, but could ultimately be done with stock Blender, if one is a student, hobbyist, dude down on his luck, etc. But I personally am always ready and willing to plunk down cold hard cash for anything that pays for itself in my business. Photographer is one of them. Thanks for such a great addon C! ; - )

Edit: I just had major deja vu after posting this. I wouldn’t be surprised if I posted something very similar above, months ago…