I still have the percentage into Resolution panel. Is it correct?
About the Resolution panel I had a suggestion for a feature: is it possible to add a way to link/lock the X and Y pixel size to each other as I change one of two, the other change accordingly?
I mean you set a resolution like 1280*1024. After a while you want to change the X pixel resolution to 2459. I’d like that Y change itself automatically maintaining the same image aspect ratio.
@Brick It’s not weird that it sticks, but the latest version should not require you to manually enable View Layers.
Can you send me the render_queue.py for your photographer install, when you get a chance? This should work in 5.4.13, I’m wondering if the file didn’t get properly updated / uploaded.
EDIT: I preemptively republished the files on Gumroad, just in case.
@marcatore Not exactly what you are looking for, but I’d use Custom ratio to set your base 1280*1024 resolution, then change the Long Edge value.
@Kafel I looked at your request about rearranging the Position Bookmarks, but I am actually wondering if you could not get what you are after with the current option to sort them Alphabetically?
Blender UI list doesn’t allow drag-and-drop reorganization, you would have to type a specific value, like an index number to reorder it… which would be the same as doing numbering in the name of the bookmark.
Can someone remind me how are HDRIs created for photographer? I know they are different than usuall ones that can be downloaded from Haven or similar places.
Hi chafouin - It appears to me that when folks like us use Photographer, we are to control/tweak our lights inside Photographer as well. Which is fine, especially since I rarely use them, but yesterday I went to disable shadows for a light and found that I cannot do this by untoggling Cast Shadow either in the Object > Light menu or in Photographer light settings… I would really love to be able to quickly and easily put a highlight on an object and not cast a new set of shadows on the ground, etc. I can’t be alone here. I saw this Cast Shadows toggle in youtube videos, so I know it exists… Please advise.
There is nothing in Photographer to control the cast shadows of an object though, you would have to do it from the Object properties > Visibility > Ray Visibility
Hello. Is it possible for the World HDRi parameter settings to change as the cameras change? This means, for example, when the camera was changed, the HDRi rotation angle changed automatically.
Dude, I am completely mystified… Using Blender 4.3.0 and Photographer 5.4.2 I have a point light selected… In Photographer Ray Properties I only have a Caustics toggle where you show Shadows beside Caustics… and in Object Properties > Visibility there is no Shadow beneath Volume Scatter… wtf? Did I break my Blender somehow?
Also, don’t know if related, but I am getting traceback errors when trying to add Physical Lights: AttributeError: ‘PointLight’ object has no attribute ‘shadow_buffer_bias’
CTRL+S gives me error, but works OK… (Blender 3.3.21 w/ LuxCore on W10)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "Z:\TOOL\B3D\b330\3.3\scripts\addons_contrib\photographer\ui\lightmixer_panel.py", line 811, in draw
if context.scene.render.engine == "LUXCORE" and not light.luxcore.use_cycles_settings:
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'light' referenced before assignment
Photographer 5 isn’t compatible with LuxCore anymore, as LuxCore development has stopped. I know odil24 has been nicely working on maintaining Blender compatibility, but I don’t really see a future for LuxCore, in comparison to Cycles and EEVEE’s active development.
I left old LuxCore-related code there, in case it would still “magically” work, but any new feature that was developed for version 5 won’t work with LuxCore.
I’ll check to fix that error so it doesn’t pop, but please don’t expect LuxCore to work with Photographer.