I’ve used Blender a lot recently to do previs for some of my live action Film work and loved it for getting in a scan an getting it roughly lit just in terms of directions. now for my latest project i thought why not try getting as close as possible especially on the exposure side. So I gave the photographer add on a try, Loving it rlly but not quite sure if I’m messing something up in the light intensity or some math is going wrong.
So i lidar scanned my kitchen and imported the polycam scan to blender to test the accuracy, took a look at my bulb (ikea led bulb, 1055lm, 7.8W at 135 lm/W) thats in there and pluged the values in, set both my real camera and the blender cam to the same settings and they are way way off.
Maybe I’m just doing somthing wrong here, or my though process is wrong.
One feature request i do already have is a light meter tool either in 3d space or on the render to pick a point and get the lux value at that point. that would be insanely helpful if the light looks the same with the same values in IRL and Blender.
thanks for the awesome add on, best wishes from austria :))
If you want approved and tested compatibility with LuxCore: Blender 3.6 + Photographer 4 (as a v4 owner, you can download the latest 4.8.7 version from Gumroad).
Fixing LuxCore compatibility with Photographer should not be too complicated, there are just so few users that I could not justify the added complexity to the code.
Did you build your scene to scale? Are you using a Scene Unit Scale different from 1 (not that it should matter, because Photographer should fix intensities for you, but there might be a new bug there)?
Also, I would recommend using Lumens with Normalize by Color Luminance here, as this should give you more accurate results. You actually made me realize I should add Normalize by Color Luminance for the Advanced Power mode as well, as lumens/watt are still a photometric unit.
Not a huge issue but I noticed if I “check for updates” within Blender, Blender reports that the latest Version is 5.4.9… while when going to gumroad the latest version is of course already 5.4.13.
Are there any plans to make this a self updating addon? I thought this option exists since the addon-overhaul in Blender? Sorry if this was already addressed.
Anyway, just wanted to say that photographer is indispensable in my work and I am very happy how well it is maintained! Easily the best bang for any buck I ever spent on Blender Add-ons.
This has been fixed with 5.4.11, unfortunately you would have to update with that version for it to show the correct version in the Check For Updates. I was waiting for 5.4.13 to settle a bit and get error reports if there were any issues, and it seems to be a good stable version, so I will send an email to everyone to update.
As far as I know, this can’t be done for commercial add-ons. Files needs to be publicly available to be downloaded.
Hi, I’m trying to render out three different view layers, each one as a multilayer EXR. In Photographer’s exposure settings I chose “Apply at Compositing”, but this doesn’t seem to get applied to the separate view layers. How could I solve this? Any help would be much appreciated, thank you!
Could you provide more information about your compositing setup? Are you merging the ViewLayers before the Photographer PostFX group node? If you are not, you will have to duplicate the group and connect it after each View Layer.
Feel free to send me a simple scene to reproduce the issue in DM.
I’ve been doing a little test with grey card outside photographer, and I saw in this post you mentioned that the middle gray should read 119 sRGB? Is that correct? It shouldn’t read 0.5 (127 sRGB), right? I see that even false color gray area on gray card is below 0.5.
Btw. for gray material I’ve set up diffuse shader with 0 roughness and 0.18 on all channels (0.18 value).
18% as defined by Munsell corresponds to 118 sRGB.
18% grey, as define by CIELAB, is actually 18.42% and corresponds to a 119 gray sRGB.
50% luminance, as CIEXYZ relative luminance, should be 187 sRGB.
I’m having a similar problem, when I try to render with view layers, PostFX is not applied to the layers. I tried duplicating the PostFX group on each layer as suggested in a previous post, however the duplicate groups disappear as soon as I click Render All, and they also get disconnected from the file output node.
I don’t know if its a bug, intended behavior or user error, most likly user error.
PS, attached are video screenshots and the simplified file. view_layer_test.blend (2.5 MB)