Photographer - Camera Exposure, White Balance, Autofocus, Physical Lights, Bokeh, Render Queue

Yes it has been set to physically based radiance! Finally a reference light in vanilla Blender :slight_smile:


I know this is probably not the answer you wanted, but… I can’t really do anything about that issue, it’s the cursor orientation that is not working properly.

First, it doesn’t always place the asset on the other side of the plane for me, I get it to work by default:

However, if using a cube, it will place it correctly on two sides, but not on the other sides:

SAM correctly uses the cursor rotation for the placement, it’s the cursor rotation that is wrong in these cases. So if I add a rotation offset, it will fix two and break the two others.

I’m wondering if other asset management add-ons have the same issue. LuxCore Online Library has a neat bounding box preview with rotation, instead of relying on cursor rotation.

I just noticed that I don’t have the orientation issue in 2.90. However, Simple Asset Manager is broken in 2.90, I’ll release a compatibility fix soon.

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I just released a new pack of lamps for interiors for Cycles and EEVEE.

You can buy it with an early-bird discount until the end of the month with this link:

“earlybirdy” coupon can be used on BlenderMarket:

I also updated Simple Asset Manager to work with 2.90 and better linking (it’s available for the LightPack 01 as well).

Let me know if you encounter any issue.
Happy lighting!


Hi, I love your work.
I have 2 questions. I prefer to buy from Blender Market to support the Blender Development Fund.

  1. Do you have an early-bird discount for the Blender Market of this new LightPack?

2)Does any Blender Market sales of your assets contribute to the Blender Development Fund?

Thank you,

  1. You can use this coupon until the end of the month: earlybirdy
    I don’t understand how to make a sale price on BlenderMarket, only coupons.

  2. My BlenderMarket Sales don’t contribute to the Blender Development fund, I have a Blender membership instead and I also support other creators or projects selectively with Patreon, one-time donations, etc…

BlenderMarket is less advantageous than Gumroad for creators, I would have to increase the price to support the Dev fund.

Thank you for the quick reply. I am very excited to start using your assets.

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Thank you for the early bird discount. Gotcha!

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And from me too. Just in time :). Still on Photograper 2 but will purchase 3 soon! Great addon and support!

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Hi chafouin.

Not long ago we were discussing how the exposure change is affecting material preview and passes.

This is just an idea. But have you tried to play around with exposure slider in Film segment?


As I can see, it is not affecting material preview. What do you think, could it correctly replace exposure slider in color management?


Hi chafouin,
I am using your lightpack 02 addon however I get a lot of spam errors regarding dependency cycles detected:

Dependency cycle detected:
  OBCable/Geometry Component/GEOMETRY_EVAL() depends on
  OBLamp_Button/Transform Component/TRANSFORM_FINAL() via 'Hook Modifier'
  OBLamp_Button/Transform Component/TRANSFORM_SIMULATION_INIT() via 'Simulation -> Final Transform'
  OBLamp_Button/Transform Component/TRANSFORM_EVAL() via 'Transform Eval -> Simulation Init'
  OBLamp_Button/Transform Component/TRANSFORM_PARENT() via 'Eval'
  OBLamp_Button/Transform Component/TRANSFORM_LOCAL() via 'ObLocal -> ObParent'
  OBLamp_Button/Transform Component/TRANSFORM_INIT() via 'Transform Init'
  OBCable/Geometry Component/GEOMETRY_EVAL() via 'Curve Follow Parent'

This happens with all the lights in the light pack.
I also get the following error regarding Photographer when adding the lights:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\erikh\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.90\scripts\addons\photographer\", line 343, in get_power
  File "C:\Users\erikh\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.90\scripts\addons\photographer\", line 99, in store_units
    light = context.light
AttributeError: 'Context' object has no attribute 'light'
File "C:\Users\erikh\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.90\scripts\addons\photographer\", line 342, in get_power
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\erikh\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.90\scripts\addons\photographer\", line 343, in get_power
  File "C:\Users\erikh\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\2.90\scripts\addons\photographer\", line 99, in store_units
    light = context.light
AttributeError: 'Context' object has no attribute 'light'

I am still running photographer 2 and Blender version 2.90.

Kind regards

I will fix these, I thought they were more warnings than errors at first. Sorry about that.

Are you sure this is version 2 of Photographer? These errors are referencing a file ( that didn’t exist in version 2. Could it be the version 3 you downloaded before I put a price tag on it?
Any way, it’s a bit difficult for me to go back and fix older versions, there are many bug fixes and code updates with each updates.

Hi chafouin,

I have indeed version 3.0.2. Can’t remember how and where I downloaded the version I have installed. I will purchase your other lightpack and Photographer version soon

No problem regarding the errors. Lights appear to be working ok so no rush.

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A couple of thoughts about the Film Exposure:

  • It is NOT an exposure, it’s a simple multiplier and not a base-2 logarithmic scale. It should be renamed Brightness.
  • It is only supported by Cycles.
  • It affects the brightness of the final output (which is what you want) but requires a re-render for any exposure change you do for that reason.

I can add a preference option to use Film Exposure instead of Color Management exposure. I do think the underlying issue is a misunderstanding of how Color Management works though, but if it can save you time to not have to re-expose your images in your compositing app, sure. You will still have to load the OCIO config to convert from linear to filmic.

About the material preview, while I agree that the color management view transforms should affect this preview, I don’t think it should be affected by the exposure.
I think I said the same thing last time we talked about it, but you want this preview to always be properly exposed. If exposure affects the preview but you can’t change the intensity of the light to compensate to the exposure, it will just become useless.

Yes you are right. I didn’t know you need to rerender to make changes with Film “exposure” because in viewport render it worked without rerendering.
But nevertheless, if it’s not real exposure it is useless.

About the material preview, while I agree that the color management view transforms should affect this preview, I don’t think it should be affected by the exposure.

Exactly. I added a suggestion to rightclickselect but doubt it will get any attention.

I think the best workflow for now is to just set up the lights to a proper intensity for a simple scene, or tweak the materials in separate scene.

But your EV guide is very much helpful. Before that I had no idea what my light intensity should be.

Thank you!

It is not useless, it does the same as exposure, just not with the same curve.
Film exposure is a straight multiplier while Exposure is a 2^EV multiplier. Each EV stop doubles (or halves) the brightness of the image.
I can totally give the same behavior as CM Exposure, it’s just the naming of the Film Exposure that is incorrect.

This is fixed in the new version, along with a little Simple Asset Manager update (new UI panel location setting)

Hi Chafouin,

great support. Thanks for that. Works good now!

It is not useless, it does the same as exposure, just not with the same curve.
Film exposure is a straight multiplier while Exposure is a 2^EV multiplier. Each EV stop doubles (or halves) the brightness of the image.

Does it brighten/dim highlights, mid tones and shadows in same ratio as exposure does?
So it is just different value in slider?
Btw. I don’t know if it would be required in some cases, but Film exposure can’t go past 10.

Yes, you would get identical results (unless there are issues with the denoiser for instance, but I did a test and it seems to work)


Definitely a problem, I was hoping it was a soft max, but it is an actual max.
As a comparison, if you wanted to expose for a Full Moon lit scene, you would need a value of 2700.
That’s a deal breaker here.

Just installed Photographer 2, because I was only interested in the white-balance feature, but I must say I already love the add-on! It really feels like Lightroom, when I can pick a pixel and color-balance according to the underlying color.

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