Photorealism Contest - deadline extended!

Well, since I only have 1 entry (and Andy said it is an example), I have decided to extend the Deadline on the Photorealism contest to Feb 28th!

I decided to just paste the rules here so that you don’t have to click over to my site to view them:
these are from:

Welcome to the first photorealism contest. Here you can test your skills at making your 3D work as realistic as you can.

The topic for this contest is “Interior Spaces”.

Entries are due on Feburary 28th (was Dec 1st). For now, the prize is the awe of the community.

Creation Rules

  • Any 3D application/rendering system combination may be used.
  • Image textures are allowed. You can not use photographs as your image textures!
  • You must create all elements of the scene.
  • No post-processing of your renders is allowed. You can simulate post processing effects within your 3D application if you wish.

Submission Rules

  • The maximum size of your entry is 1024 x 1024 pixels. Any aspect ratio is allowed. Either the width or the height must be 1024 pixels.
  • You must provide a wire frame view. The wire frame must be in the same resolution as your rendered image. Do not post this as a 2nd attachment; put them both in the same image vertically. The wire frame should be attached to the bottom of your rendered image. This means if the height of your image is 1024 pixels; it will be 2048 pixels with the wire frame attached.
  • Entries must be posted to the “Photorealism Contest Entries” thread as an attachment. Attachments need to be in JPEG compression at 90% quality. In your post, you must specify what application(s) you used as well as what each was used for.

You need to sumbit entries at my site:

Don’t worry about hosting them, you can upload them at my forums. I am hopeing that this will spark some interest and usage of my forums, which allow 15MB attachments. Perfect for shareing your videos and images without having to use Geocities or other free hosts that stick you with limits.

I hope somebody (other than me :wink: ) does something photoreal!

didn’t know there was such contest even …

well, photorealism isn’t really my thing… so maybe I’ll try not to mess with this competition by sending something only vaguely touching the topic :slight_smile:


the link to the rules doesnt work I enjoy working with photorealistic but im a pretty green blenderer.

Much thanks to the Admin for stickying this topic.

The link will work again on Sunday Afternoon (Dec 1st). My server is down or slow right now.

Whats the guide lines ? What and How many Apps can we use?

read the whole post. :stuck_out_tongue: