Photorealistic Cottage in the Woods - Lighting & Rendering

Hey, thanks Derek, good to see you around once in a while, I hope your business projects are going well! I see that the png trees are pretty bad, but don’t worry! Closer to the end I will add them post pro, and it will get rid of that terrible outline. I tried using bigger leaves and such, but it really was a dead giveaway that there was something off. Also they were rendered in blender, so their completely legal for the competition.

I’m sad to see the Blending Nature WIP thead has all but disapeared.

Yea that’s really too bad. I tried really hard but failed while it was going on, but now that I come back to it I found that I really did learn a lot there. I still use the technique for the grass that was in you tutorial :slight_smile:

Thats cool Jonathan, I’m glad my tuts have been helpful, I know I dont have that many but that will change soon enough;) Anyway about how many faces are you up to on this project? I would guess 20 to 50 million with the grass and everything but I could be off…I know I’ve done scenes with up to 150 to 200 million and was using a mid range PC so hopefully you’ll have some capacity at the end for the higher poly trees in the back ground…I think you will:) Again good luck and I’ll keep an eye on this thread:)

PS it might be higher poly but I try to stay away from transparent png textures on the tree leaves and just use higher poly leaves not square ones. I find it renders much faster than having to calc the transparent shadows and such. You may be doing this already but I just thought I would throw it out there:)

Happy Blending:)

Hey, I updated the cabin a little, and I know I still have to do a lot of other things that you suggested as well as finish the cabin, then mess it all up.
Anyway, here’s my progress so far:

Derek - I don’t actually know how many polys I have. I have a mediocre to poor computer, and I have actually had it crash multiple times with this project, so I’m not going to push it with the background trees. If I add them post pro, you really won’t see the difference. Oh, and I am using polygon leaves.

one thing you could do, is move all the trees that are behind the grass to a different layer, render the background trees and the sky, then use that image as a background, instead of the actual trees / sky. should cut down on the poly count considerably.

updates are looking sweet :wink: good progress

Sorry if going OT but are you using sapling addon for the trees? May you explain how to do poly leafes? I am able to do poly leafes with ngplant, but with sapling only quad and exagonal…about last image you posted if is not yet completed i have nothing to criticize this time :smiley:

Wow. Jumped from the first image to this latest one, and its a MASSIVE improvement. This awesome.

Now I’ll go cry in a corner because I will won’t be able to access this level of detail in a long while :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

When you render it should tell you how many faces in the scene in the top left corn for both BI and cycles…I’m pretty sure. Looking great keep it up:)

Happy Blending:)

I think the piece of wood by the river needs more work because it is very close to the camera !

one thing you could do, is move all the trees that are behind the grass to a different layer, render the background trees and the sky, then use that image as a background, instead of the actual trees / sky. should cut down on the poly count considerably.
Haha, that is actually what I am doing :stuck_out_tongue: I rendered them separately and am using a PNG temporarily.

Sorry if going OT but are you using sapling addon for the trees? May you explain how to do poly leafes? I am able to do poly leafes with ngplant, but with sapling only quad and exagonal…about last image you posted if is not yet completed i have nothing to criticize this time
Thanks! Using sapling, change the leaves to hexagon, and then change the size on the x axis (or is it y?) anyway its the setting right next to leaf size.

I think the piece of wood by the river needs more work because it is very close to the camera !
Yea, I’ve been thinking about that, but I am unsure about how to tackle that. I dug up some reference photos on Google. What do you think?,r:27,s:0,i:161

I really have no idea how to go about doing this, so if you have any idea please don’t be afraid to speak up :slight_smile:,r:5,s:0,i:92,r:5,s:0,i:92

you can create moss many ways…you might try just using vertext goups and very short and dense fur or hair. Make sure to play with the settings to make the hair/fur crinkled and fuzzy looking…it can be done with children and setting them to like radial or curl:) this will give the highest realism…the color may be the most difficult to get right I know from experience:)

Good luck and keep us posted:)

Hey guys, I was gone for a little while, but now it is good to be back! Here’s a screenshot of the log I’m working on. It needs more subsurf, but overall I think it is pretty decent.

Derek - I didn’t see your post until just now, but I think I may stick with this technique instead of hair. This way I can easily control thickness, spread, and transition. It does take some polygons, but probably less than hair. Thanks for the suggestion though, they are always helpful. BTW I really like the bridge scene your working on, it looks great so far.

I think next I want to add some of these weird tree-clams.

Any more suggestions, observations, or critiques?

Lookin good:) as I’ve said there are many ways to skin a cat:) your technique looks good…hope the high polys dont hurt you later though, but it is a focal point so it should have some additional detail:) Keep the updates comming:)

Here is one last update on the log. It is mostly done except for some tweaking. There is really no easy way to make the underside look wet, especially because it is in shadow. Do you think that it is necessary?

I kinda feel that I should turn down the glossy on the grass a little (or give it a higher roughness). What do you guys think?

More updates on the cabin coming soon I hope.

just one crit on the log, the majority of fungal growth would probably occur after the log fell, so the bracket fungi would be facing up instead of sideways.

Thanks Modron, I didn’t think of that!

Here is an update on the cabin, I think that it’s pretty much finished texture wise. Any suggestions or critiques before I go and make it look all old?

I’m thinking of adding some more things to it, like a lantern, something in the window (what should that be?) and perhaps some tools lying around.

It looks great! I like the grass and stream, too! :smiley:

This is absolutely incredible. I love how the scene is set up, the modeling is great, and the texturing is awesome! The moss on the log came out perfectly! The best of luck in the competition!

Thanks for the encouragement guys:)
I did a bit more work on the cabin, added some lanterns, broken glass, sloped the roof, etc…

What do you think? Any critiques?