Photorealistic interior in progress-noise&setup

Thank you all in advance for your help.

I´m modelling this interior, the source of light is an emmissive plane located out of the windows.

The image is rendered with low samples, for saving time, but the left square, where the white&black cupboard is placed, is rendered with a higher setup.
It correspond with this settings.

I think that number of samples and path lightpath configuration should be enough, but it isn´t obviosly. It´s still noisy.

Does anybody have idea of how optimizing for this kind of scene?
I´m trying to solve it with despeckles filter at compositor, but I´d like to know if there is any other way just adjusting cycles lightning parameters.

Thank you again for your answers.

I’ve had that problem, too. I’m pretty much repeating myself since I posted this in another thread today. Does your window have a glass material applied to it? If so, then the noise appears because of the cycles glass material. You may get better results if you add a light path node to the glass material.

This is from an Andrew Price Tut, right here:
Hope this helps!

Thank you.
The fact is that at the window there were no geometry at all.

Introducing a sunlight instead of the emmisive plane, and increasing the light behind the camera has reduced noise a lot.
More or less, the problem has solved by itself while materials were assigned, more geometry introduced, and over all, while light scheme has been improved.

What you say about using transparency instead of glass I knew, but I din´t about the light path…I´ll study it.
I´ll upload the image when it´s finished, so that you could see improvement.

Welcome to BlenderArtists.

Well, there’s a bunch of stuff that can influence this Noise. If you upload your scene ( we can play with it, and i’m sure someone comes up with faster settings.

As IronLung mentioned, your Glass (if there’s any) is most important, and there are a few tricks you can do about it. Use Light Path Node to make it only visible to Camera or only let Shadow Rays through. Secondly you can make this Glass an Emitter too (See my HDRPortalLighting in b°wide NodePack which does this).

Try Multiple Importance Sample in your Light - maybe together with Branched Path Tracing in Sampling - Render Properties.

Render Properties - Sampling - Clamp: Don’t ever use anything bellow 1!!! Better start with 10-20, and then lower until Noise is less. I usually don’t set lower than 2 as absolut minimum. Of course this can change if needed, but really try to use highest Value possible.

Render Properties - Light Paths - Bunces Min/Max: Do you really need 32/64 ? i would try 3/5 or 3/8. Maybe Min a bit higher - since this may reduce a lot of Noise.

Try to Put Light inside the Room. (Right in front of Window, as you have right now, just inside)

There are quite a few more Tricks you can do in your Material Setups - but i try to Avoid this if possible.