Photoshop vs. the Gimp

After a long time of trying to get a use out of the Gimp, I hereby declare this program as not useable for me and ordered myself a photoshop license. I really love Open Source Software, but I can’t understand how someone can say that Gimp is a competition for Photoshop.
Actually, Photoshop will be the first non-free software on my pc (except some very awkward software bundle from my internet provider and windows xp…). My hobby is to kick my friend’s asses with OSS, but I have to give up on this one.

I can live with workarounds to gain flexibility, but the most basic things like fonts, shadows, etc. are so much worse than in photoshop that I rather spend that money. I know there are other opinions out there so I’d like to hear them.

I would also like to know whether someone is using the Gimp for professional artwork, since speed is an issue for me.

P.S.: Yes, I browsed ‘Grokking the Gimp’…
P.P.S: I hope this is the right forum since it’s about opinions and not about questoins regarding the programs. no?

gimp wins hands down on

saving (to image formats)
special rendering effects
-blah blah blah
colour pallets, e.g. tha gradients i use to create colour palets to use with the eye dropper in PS etc…

Photoshop wins hands down on

painting ease,
layer handling
adjustment layers
screen layout for general editing
quick keys etc…

basicly IMO the only thing holding the gimp back from PS is the screen layout and ease of use, the gimp has about 9 different windows in a single seesion while PS only has one.

if gimp got its act sorted in that department and worked on tool layout i would consider it better than PS, but for ease of use PS wins for many editing things, but for file conversion or cropping (and other things not related to painting) gimp is very very good.

i’ll always have a copy of gimp and use them about 50/50. PS will be the only software i will buy also (except perhaps a 3d software)


I use Gimp at home, because there is no need for Photoshop.
I used Photoshop at work, because there is no alternative in prepress.
I think you can work with both of them if you do hobby work or stuff for the screen.
Photoshop is IMO easier to use, but maybe just because i worked for years with it. It has more features, but most things you can do in the Gimp, too. There are just a few clicks more.
The only thing i really miss in Gimp is CMYK-separation and color management.

BTW: There is a script/plugin for Gimp witch catches all the windows in one application window, so you don’t have all these single windows. It’s for Gimp 1.3.xx. But i never tried it. (I’m on Linux, so i can switch the desktop…)


I’ve been using both GIMP and Photoshop for a number of years now, and alltaken has views similar to mine. I’ve used the GIMP on a number of web projects and a couple professional print projects. I’m a Linux guy, anyway, and Photoshop isn’t really available on my platform of choice. If it were available, I’m not entirely sure I’d use it because although Photoshop might be easier to pick up on, I tend to have a little bit better workflow in the GIMP. It’s strange, where one tends to excel is where the other is deficient.

Gimp is the way to go
I just like free stuff!!

I couldn’t really use the Gimp either, that plugin to attach the many windows might help…
Everyone in my family uses Photoshop, we have tried many other programs before including The Gimp but, Photoshop is just the best.(For us)

I’m sure you will love using Photoshop very much too!

I use PS a lot, but use GIMP from time to time. I just find saving images for web purposes to be quicker in GIMP fo rsome reason.

PS does handle layers, etc better IMO.

Now I just need a wacom so I don’t have to keep painting with a mouse. :stuck_out_tongue:


I use Gimp…

It’s free and it’s powerfull…

That’s all… :smiley:

GIMP is great for the price :smiley:

Here’s the deal: PS is overpriced, way overpriced. It’s a great app, like softimage vs. blender, the differences are numerous. But a good artist can make great art with either one.

Touché… :wink:

I can’t make my Wacom tablet to work with GIMP, this is the first reason why I don’t use it.

In windows it doesn’t/

In linux it does.

GIMP 1.3 is tons better than 1.2, though 1.2 is the stable version.

If I had the chance I would most likely use PhotoShop, but it’s WAAAAAAAY too expensive for me, and seeing how GIMP can do a lot of the stuff PhotoShop does for $0, I’m gonna stick with GIMP. I also find it very easy to use.

I’m glad I’m not the only one using PS with a license! :slight_smile:
Any of you other licensed gonna upgrade to PS CS?
I’ve been waiting for the Folders of layers in folders of layers for some time now! With the new 16bit image support, non-square pixels, and flash export! I’m definitely upgrading! Gimps ok… but it definitely does not compare to PS when used for production work. Scriptability… Gimp rules there and with Cinepaint its starting to go in the right direction… still gotta lot to do to catch up.

If I ever had to choose between them in a professional setting, I wouldn’t hesitate to pick Photoshop.

I use both. Mostly the GIMP lately. I think the GIMP is better suited to 3D applications.

GIMP rocks. :slight_smile: :o :Z

Blender may be hard to use, but I’ve heard that softimage can make grown men cry.

I never liked the layout in Gimp, if we talk about great/good GUI, Gimp’s simply sucks, to way cluttered!

we talk about GUI’s all the time for Blender, but as I said before above, it is cluttered and not that very good…

okey for the price it is unbeatable, and does not even handle CMYK yet! but for a proffessional worker, it is not that good at all…

myself I use the best tool that comes in hand for me…what ever it is :slight_smile:

Gimp is great and all but Photoshop is much better. The fact is that the Gimp concerning it’s abilities is almost equal to Photoshop but call me crazy , I CAN’T WORK WITH SO MANY WINDOWS especialy not with a 800x600, and that is the best my lousy computer can do.

I believe it would detirmine whether someone first start with gimp and got used to that, before they check out photoshop and didn’t even want to mess with it because they were so used to gimp.