I have box with no top that is hollow but when i try to drop a ball into it it acts like it has a top and just rolls over it instead of falling in. :no: Does any one know how to fix this. also i can’t install blender 2,43 RC2 for some reason it won’t run does any one else have this problem. Thanks for your help.
Changing the ‘bounds’ in the Logic panel to ‘Convex Hull Polytope’ seems to work
Does anyone know if “Convex Hull Polytope” automatically takes the shape for the mesh’s faces when you click it?
Convex hull polytope will make a bounds for any object but it will always be convex (as in no concave areas).
If the box is static then the static triangle mesh bounds should work.
Ok what are those? “static triangle mesh bounds”?
No its not static can i just make the bounds the lines of the mesh or something
there’s no concave bounds yet, but with the 2.43 previews, you can use compound bounds; just make each side a separate object, make one the parent of the rest, select compound on the parent, and tadaa- a really slow inefficient box.