I just opened the physical open waters addon in blender 4.2 and put the foam slider to full. None shows up!?
The developer offers support on Discord:
thanks. have a nice day
You can also reach out to the physical add-ons instagram
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the discord is not working, and i don’t have a instagram account.
a whole lot of stuff acually dosen’t work. I got the humble bundle one, might that have somthng to do with it?
Probably, I’ve heard a lot of people say the whole humble bundle was a massive scam
thats annoying
I really need a solution. I need to use this addon but I don’t know how resolve the issue.
Well, your best bet is the developer, there’s just not much the rest of us can do. Have you reached out to the developer on Blender Market?
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no. Do you think they will still help, considering I bought it from the humble bundle?