Physics and Gravity Problem

I am fairly new to Blender 2.5.

  1. How can I give my falling object an initial (horizontal) velocity? So, it behaves like a thrown stone under the influence of gravity.

  2. How can this movement (physics in game-engine) interact (collide, damp…) with a keyframed motion of another object?

  3. Details: I am working on a small clip of a roulette game. I set up the spinning roulette table with keyframed animation. Now I want to add a sphere - thrown into the kettle and spinning inside - this is where I thought I would use gravity and collision.

Thank you,

  1. Use an ‘always’ sensor in ‘Tap’ mode to trigger a ‘Motion’ actuator with some Linear Velocity on the ball object.
  2. Use an ‘alway’ sensor to trigger a ‘F-curve’ actuator on the roulette object.

You will need to setup collisions and other physics settings.

Would I do this in Blender Render or in Blender Game engine?
So far I only managed to play with gravity in the Game engine, and had no clue as to how these objects could interact with keyframed objects.

check this thread:

btw. Aligorith is working on integration of bullet physics directly into blender so that you don’t have to go through the game engine.

Keyframe your roulette in Blender interface and run the simulation in Game mode.
Then when you think it looks fine enable game / record animation to bake while playing the simulation and go back to blender render… you may need to change fps settings, save a copy before baking.
And yep, as Gustav says give Aligorith’s build a go, it’s the next big thing :slight_smile:
You can get a working win32 copy here.

Thanks a lot guys (or gals)!

Helped me a big leap forward :slight_smile: