This is coming out next month sometime. Asus and BFG are both going to have one, just plugs into a standard 33mhz PCI slot. There are over a 100 games now (in development) that are going to use the technology and does make a huge difference (like night and day) check out the Ghost Recon 3 footage with and without the cpu.
However this also got me wondering and thought maybe this could help with the fluids system in blender. Hmmmmm, just a thought, granted I’m not a programmer and wouldn’t know how to do it but I bet would help a lot. What do you guys think?
I’ve read that NVidia is actually gonna start packing simillar processors on their video cards, in addition to the gpus.
There’s also talk of a standardized physics library (The physics equivilent of opengl) that will work across any of these cards, so there won’t be a need for licencing.
No they don’t want to add extra chips, they want to do it on the GPU itself…seems both ATI and nVidia claim GPUs already have enough processing power to handle physics, no need for yet another processor.
I think ageia so far is making good money selling licences, not selling physix processors…
The idea of a seperate processor for phyisics is cool and all, but I would wait.
I suspect that this will all just be a gimic, until it becomes standardized