Physics Engine

Could someone who is familiar with the physics engine help me out here? Every once in a blue moon, (twice so far) it actually works for some reason that I am oblivious to. Here is a .blend where I have tried to get it to work, and as usual, nothing happens. Perhaps there is a magic button I have overlooked. ==>

Hello Modron

No magic button needed, but some “method”.

But, in first place, I don’t know what you want to do, in the file demo
so my advices can be wrong.

Second, you need an environment.
If you have Actors with dynamic propertys ( weight, mass etc.) they
neded to “hang” on something.

You must assign a material to your objects

Some Expression controllers lack…expressions

Same for propertys Sensors

Ad maybe other problems???
Check all this

Ok. That is actually really helpful. I will do as you suggest. One thing though,…where are these variables defined? in the NLA editor? Thanks for looking at my file.

I hope you mean the game engine and not somethign else

that said, all settings mentioned by António are located in the Game [Logic] Buttons

it is in the buttons window, the tab looks a bit like pac-man

Well I had some luck creating constraints anyway. That was a step forward.

There’s another link at the oldsite @ but its still down.


Aha. Thanks. Looks like I have some reading to do.

Just to be sure I have this straight,…In Blender 2.8, you cannot use collision detection to affect your animation, correct? 2.5 or earlier is required?

Neither can

They physics is for the GAME ENGINE, it doesn’t* affect rendered output at all.

*But there is a python script that copies motion from in the game engine into ipo curves. I haven’t personally used it, and couldn’t tell you exactly where to look for it. It has been mentioned numerous times on this forum.


(and I would rather you didn’t post a new thread asking for it, there are enough duplicate threads as it is)

Ahhhhh, most enlightening. It must have been the allusions to the Python script that caused me to think it was possible. I really need to spend more time w my Python.