Piano Man (music video) WIP

Its the first minute to an animation I’m working on. A music video to Billy Joel’s “Piano Man” sung by a “Lego Man” :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll be posting a video for every minute I do.


Here is the first two minutes, I’ve made a few changes and one that isn’t in this render is a halo on the spot light.

omg that’s hilarious!!!
I know it can be hard to remember the rest of the body when you’re concentrating on the talking or in this case the singing, but it looks odd when you have your singer closing his eyes passionately and everything, but he’s just standing there with an occasional arm swinging a little bit.

You can make this funny by taking advantage of the fact that lego people have limited movement. When the song gets to a high point make the legoman try grabbing the mike but he can’t because his arm doesn’t bend. Just an idea

Can’t wait for the rest of the song!

Like you said, there’s not much a lego man can do. He shouldn’t even be able to blink, or move his head at such angles.

… lol. Justin you sure get the ideas man! Keep it up and fans will be lining to have you join up!

well blinking and moving the mouth are acceptable for a lego animation :stuck_out_tongue: but if you don’t let him bend his head it could be even funnier.

How would it be funnier?

You could possibly ask kids. They laugh at anything.

I’m not really putting deep thought into this, but the more limited a character is, the more opportunities for funny moments you have when you have them try to do something only to find they can’t do it. Like he gets to the high part of the song and tries to grab the micstand, but his arm won’t bend so he ends up spinning around and landing on his bottom. Just an example.

Added another minute, see first post.

Awww, wanted to see this but 20mb… So much to do and so little time. Please consider getting some heavier compression or something.

Great vid. Maybe you can add a fly from behind to show the audience. You can maybe dedicate this to Tim Russert as it does resemble him a bit.

I’ll do a fly behind, but I don’t have the computer power or patience to make an audience, you’ll see him silhouetted against the spot light.