Piano Room

This image was inspired by this work:

Render in Yafaray, modelling in Blender.

I love it. Espescially the lighting setup.

Good work, all look perfect. Maybe with a lightly blue exterior, the out of the window will look better :slight_smile:

Tanks all :smiley:

Beautiful lighting and shading. Is this all 2.49?

Yes, Yafaray work on 2.49, for the 2.5 is more complicated for me :D.

aah, the piano… most certainly the best instrument of all time… looks awesome, i would have done it with an upright '20s, though.

Beautiful modeling and detail, and especially the lighting! Was the glow added in postpro or was it yafaray?

A great Render, loving the lighting there, a great example of Yafaray ( i don’t use it personally but thats cos im too used to rendering in Blander Internal…) and also a great thing to see somebody else from Italy, i might say!

wow… :open_mouth: awesome. I want to do some architecture stuff in blender too. this is a great example. thank you :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, nice render lighting and detail!