Picture attached :: Always [Pulse Mode] is consistent for one object but not for another?

Very confusing that the cube rotation didn’t stutter.

Bonus Question that doesn’t matter even if left un-answered:
Checking the first up arrow make it into a timer…ok fine…so what is with the second button[the down arrow] ? The true/false explanation from the tooltip did little to explain.

How could they be the same when they have different Tic (Skip) rates…
The Text object’s sensor has 60 tics. The Cube object has 1000 tics.
Match them for one or the other !!

Link to explanation.

I do not want them to be the same.
They are NOT SUPPOSED to be the same.

The point is, the rotation of the cube SHOULD stutter, rotating at only 1 degree per 1000 ticks, but it doesn’t.
Try it yourself ! It is suppose to be so slow, it should not even look like it is rotating and if it does, it should be stuttering.

The bug here is it is rotating smoothly !
And at the same speed REGARDLESS of the Skip value !
Try it.

If the picture caused any confusion, just forget about the text, the text was there to prove that the trigger should happen at intervals but for the cube it is not.

up arrow = true pulse
down arrow = send negative pulse after an active pulse

Motion brick is a fire and forget brick till you deactivate it, meaning in single or true pulse only 1 pulse is needed to activate it and keep it going. You can deactivate the brick with python, no clue if it is possible with bricks.

I DIDN"T KNOW that the motion is a fire and forget situation !

The up and down arrow confuses me, for now, my only understanding is having the first one checked initiate a pulsing trigger, I don’t know what a negative pulse is, but THANK YOU @Cotaks :slight_smile:

@RPaladin Thank you for attempting to help, I am grateful to your kindness as well :smiley:

single pulse:
one start pulse

true pulse:
one start pulse every tic (default 60 tics a second)

negative pulse:
a disabling pulse, a brick that runs in a single pulse mode send 1 positive signal to the brick, a negative pulse is followed after that positive pulse to deactivate/stop most bricks. Mostly used to stop repeating actions per frame.

A person can cheaply accomplish this with logic-states.