Pie Menu Editor 1.18.7

Pie Menu Editor 1.15.7

What’s New:

  • Latest Blender 2.8 Builds Support

How to Update:

  • Backup your pie menus using Export button (optional).
  • Open User Preferences (ctrl+alt+U).
  • Go to the Add-Ons tab.
  • Click Install Add-on from File button, navigate to the file you downloaded and install it.
  • Restart Blender.

Thanks for the update and supporting 2.8.

Btw, do you know if it is possible to make a hotkey that will switch between trackball/turntable orbit style for the camera (user prefs> input)?

By the way guys did you saw they removed the preferences as an editor type in 2.8, so we can’t have anymore the ability to configure the addon without juggling between floating preferences windows and main windows. It also deserve other things like theming design imo.
Do you think Roaoao you could re-introduce this feature later in 2.8 ?

I made a feedback on devtalk site, so please update the post or claim it should be back:

Also on rightclick select site for a thumb up:

Use this path in Property tab:

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I hope so. By adding some custom editor for example.

Where can I find more of these commands?

You can find short paths in python tooltips. Eg: UserPreferencesInput.view_rotate_method.
To enable python tooltips go to File - User Preferences - Interface - Python Tooltips.

Here is a list of full paths for user preferences:

UserPreferences - C.user_preferences
UserPreferencesEdit - C.user_preferences.edit
UserPreferencesFilePaths - C.user_preferences.filepaths
UserPreferencesInput - C.user_preferences.inputs
UserPreferencesSystem - C.user_preferences.system
UserPreferencesView - C.user_preferences.view

Thanks for the update and supporting 2.8.

Hi roaoao,

I am trying to add the “Choose Screen layout” and I get the “can’t add this widget” message.

Is there any way to do it?


Some complex widgets can be added only manually.
You can use this code in Custom tab:

L.template_ID(C.window, "screen", new="screen.new", unlink="screen.delete")

Or this in Command tab:


name - is the screen name

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Hi thanks for this awesome add on , when will it be updated for 2.8 ? :slight_smile:

It currently works with 2.8

oh cool ! if i buy the plug in now will it be updated or i will need to buy the new one too ?

As far as I know there’s only one version to buy, which is the one I’m using. I love it.

Yes, all updates will be free.

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This doesnt seems to work on 2.8 (about the add layout comment)
i just bought your addon by the way

just found

bpy.context.space_data.filter_text = “workspac” code , to cycles workspace , not change it

What do you mean?

Where did you find this? Outliner area?
I’m still new in Blender 2.8

i was referring this post , this doesnt work in 2.8

Pie Menu Editor 1.15.7 fix 3

Fix for the latest Blender 2.8 builds

Extract the files to scripts/addons/pie_menu_editor folder and restart Blender.


Added workspace support. Now this command should work in Blender 2.8
Please install the fix from my previous post.

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