Pie Menu Editor 1.18.7

Yep. And again all red items are menus, but they are hard to differentiate from buttons without arrow icon on right:

Ok ^^

I bought the Addon :wink:

Don’t hesitate to add the video and documentation in the preferences.
And don’t hesitate to talk on your videos ^^

For the menu without arrow, maybe add an arrow as icon.

Also what is the shortcut for azerty keyboard ?



Can you show us how that kind of menu should look ? ( screenshot with command/code )
I dont have to much knowledge about python coding and i am curious if I will can make that "conditions menu "

Since you are the goto guy when it comes to pie menus i can’t wait to see what you will come up with this beast :wink:

I have to learn to use it first !

Question, On my personnal pie I would like to make a blank operator like you do in your code.

I saw the empty class

class WM_OT_pme_none(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "wm.pme_none"
bl_label = ""
bl_options = {'INTERNAL'}

def execute(self, context):
return {'FINISHED'}

And I use the pie.operator

pie.operator("wm.pme_none", " ", emboss=False)
self.has_sep = True

I have this result, I would like to have nothing


Did I miss something ?

@pitiwazou, just leave the item empty.
But if you already added a command to the item you have to use Clear option:

Wait a sec. Maybe I misunderstood you. Do you want to skip pie slot in python code?
You can skip it using this code:


O_o, I tested that !

That works, thank you :wink:

I saw export create a jason file, is there a way to have a .py to edit ourself the file after ?

Before I buy, can you try it on custom build fracture modifier. I’d like to quickly create a pie menu of the modifier setting.

Is it possible to add a slider for a setting of a boolean.

For example, if I have a solidify, I would like to change the thickness.

It’s a good feature but requires a lot of time to implement.

Yes, use this code as Property item:


Or this as Custom item:

L.box().prop(C.object.modifiers["Solidify"], "thickness", "")

Looks like it works.
You will be able to use popup panels in the next version of the add-on.
All other features should work in the current version.

Ok thx,


If I want to use it on a normal pie, how do you use that ?

I know it’s not on your addon I ask, but, that will help me ^^

Try this code:

pie.prop(bpy.context.object.modifiers["Solidify"], "thickness", "")

Or this:

pie.box().prop(bpy.context.object.modifiers["Solidify"], "thickness", "")

Nice, perfect !

thx :wink:

Sorry to botther you again ^^

How can I use the crease slider in the pie ?

I tryed this, but it’s not working.

Thx for your help

You can use the same code. But you have to change path of the property and it’s name.
The easiest way to find the path is to enable debug mode and change value of that property. The path of the property will be shown in Info window:

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Greate Tip, Thx you!

Can the layers menu in the 3D View header be put into a pop up with this addon?

I’m using this code:

Pie menus (Custom Tab):

L.column().prop(C.scene, "layers", "")

Popup dialogs (Custom Tab):

L.prop(C.scene, "layers", "")

Popup dialogs (Property Tab):


I share my Pie Menus, it would be nice if all of us would share our menus.
