Pie Menu Editor 1.18.7

Just started playing with PME. Pretty dang amazing what can be done with it. Before I commit to it too deeply I am wondering if development will continue and does anyone knows if the BF has something that will ship soon with Blender offering the same capability. I wouldn’t start the project until the next release and I am happy to share all assets and pie if they can so they can be shipped with the addon.

When creating the side menu (Abobe inspired) I a simple Toggle didn’t work on some areas ie file browser. Because I am the kinda person who seems to be prone to bumping into things that don’t work there is no doubt in my mind I will end up writing a list of things that are not working.

Where is the best place to post a list like that? Also it’s not my attention to be overwhelming, it’s more to be selfish and work the way that I want to work that I think may be a better way of working with the tools that are available.

Context-Sensitive pies? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8pCPZdK_qc&list=PLsowJ3v5QWhE9db_GcPnSrTXWJrA5poWg&index=14

Is there a way to stack different areas up? Almost like a nesting behavior.

5th draft of a basic layout of buttons to the right. Each button would have several different states so that areas can open in different ways.

Thanks again

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