Pie Menu Editor 1.18.7

2.8 PME as a RMB just not working for me.

Installed 1.16.4
check the box
made a PIE
selected RMB as trigger in the pme pie ui and or under pme settings.
when I RMB I get the pme as a menu not a pie
but also I get that menu every where in the ui. I have no other rmb menus.

PME need a clear button under the settings key binder. I got in a loop because accidentally I binded PME to the LMB. So I couldn’t do anything. Had to uninstall PME.

Would some one walk me through using RMB to trigger PME. thank you

so it appears you can have just RMB, you have to include a Ctrl, Shift, Alt… bummer

Hi @anphung,
What panel id did you use to add Modifier List panel to the panel group?

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Try RMB menu -> Reset to Default Value


Go to /modifier_list/modules/ui/ folder. Open modifiers_ui.py and ml_modifier_layouts.py files.
Replace these lines:

mp = DATA_PT_modifiers(context)

With this:

mp = DATA_PT_modifiers(context.window_manager)

Thank you, roaoao. That works perfectly.

Another question if you don’t mind. Can you see what’s wrong in this code?
setattr(C.object.data, “auto_smooth_angle”, ‘0.2617993950843811’) if E.alt == True else [setattr(object.data, “auto_smooth_angle”, ‘0.2617993950843811’) for obj in C.selected_objects]

Hi roaoao,
First of all, thanks a lot for your add-on. I could not imagine Blender without it.

I tried to make a pie menu for curve editing but I encountered a small problem.
I want to be able to change some parameters of the active spline like cyclic or smooth values.
When I right clic on those parameters to send the function to my pie menu, it gives me this code:
How can I change this to affect the active spline instead of the spline[0].

Here’s a sceenshot for better explanations:

You are using strings instead of numbers?

setattr(C.object.data, "auto_smooth_angle", 0.2617993950843811) if E.alt == True else [setattr(object.data, "auto_smooth_angle", 0.2617993950843811) for obj in C.selected_objects]

Try this instead:


Thanks roaoao,
that was it. Everything’s fine now.

It’s most likely because you set the PME Hotkey to RMB.
The PME Hotkey in the image is used to add the last action you did to the active menu.
For example: You run Bevel on an edge in Edit Mode > You press the PME Hotkey (default is Ctrl Shift `, yours seems to be set to RMB) > You choose a slot in the menu to add the action/ command to.


Thanks for the reply. I don’t understand your answer. Are you replying to the image I posted? The image is asking for a Delete button for Hotkey under Settings.

Hi @roaoao ,
Thank you for making the Pie Menu, it is help for my 3D workflow a lot, thank you.
Can you please help me for one problem(or maybe a bug)?
When I apply the shortcut with the Pie Menu, it does not resulted as it should be(I apply the way follow your tutorials). Maybe there’s probably bug or something else? I’m not sure. Would you please look into it?
The attachment will showed the steps I took, please.

Oh well you win, PME was nice while it lasted, I’m out

Hi @seaxsun,
Shift+Q works for me in Vertex Paint mode. Please export and pm me all your menu.

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You are using the same RMB hotkey for the pie and add-on’s context menu: PME Preferences -> Settings tab -> Hotkeys tab -> PME Hotkey.
Try to replace it with something else. Eg. default hotkey is Ctrl+Shift+`

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I apologize for asking a question that’s probably already been asked, but I would like to run a command from another addon.
This is the command:

The command has a submode required to run accurately. How would I put this command into a pie menu? Currently it’s either not running or I’m getting an error when attempting to add the command to the pie menu that says “Bad command”

The problem was I was assigning the hotkey in the wrong context. Problem solved.

Hi Roaoa,
I want to use an Array modifier with specific settings as a default in a pie. I copied the code from info and all works ok until I add a second Array modifier. The code adds a second array e.g. Array.001, but since the name “Array” was given at the first modifier it changes all my settings to my defaults and the second modifier is added with the programs defaults.
the code I’m using was copied from info

bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='ARRAY'); bpy.context.object.modifiers["Array"].use_relative_offset = False; bpy.context.object.modifiers["Array"].count = 1

Is there a way to recognize the new modifier’s name and leave the old one as is?

You can find new or last added modifier with -1 index:

bpy.ops.object.modifier_add(type='ARRAY'); mod = bpy.context.object.modifiers[-1]; mod.use_relative_offset = False; mod.count = 1