Pie Menu Editor 1.18.7

bpy.ops.pme.input_box(func = lambda value: print(value) )

Dont working???

TypeError: Converting py args to operator properties: : keyword “func” unrecognized

Edit: I found the answer… I need to call input_box func and not the bpy.ops.pme.input_box operator… :worried:

command to create a new collection, set name to input box query dialog, add selected objects to new collection and remove from anothers collections:

input_box(func = lambda value: [ {None for C.scene[‘tempCol’] in [bpy.data.collections.new(name=value)]}, C.scene.collection.children.link(C.scene[‘tempCol’]), [ (C.scene[‘tempCol’] not in o.users_collection and C.scene[‘tempCol’].objects.link(o), [col.objects.unlink(o) for col in o.users_collection if col != C.scene[‘tempCol’] ]) for o in C.selected_objects] ] )

@roaoao In the most recent master all pie menus are broken. When trying to execute one it gives this error message popup. Can you reproduce this?

Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/home/guest/.config/blender/3.0/scripts/addons/pie_menu_editor/operators.py", line 2165, in invoke
    return self.execute_menu(context, event)
  File "/home/guest/.config/blender/3.0/scripts/addons/pie_menu_editor/operators.py", line 1927, in execute_menu
TypeError: popup_menu_pie() takes 3 positional arguments but 4 were given

location: <unknown location>:-1

Same here. I installed the freshest version of Blender 3.0 yesterday and I got the same error. I’ve had to roll back to a version of 3.0 from a week ago.

All my other addons had no problems.

Anyone have icons of the sculpt tools?
I made a custom menu for the brushes I use most and want to “beautify” it with those icons.

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Sorry I don’t have these ones, like you I recently looking for active tools icons but I was not able to find the sources… I took screenshots then edited them with gimp :grin:

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I tried to looke for them on the blender directory as well and nothing there. :joy:

Often when adding or removing a PME command (stack key, pie menu, etc.) to a keymap, the entire list of keymaps I’ve already assigned will get removed leaving the default ‘Window’ map. It seems random and I’m not sure what triggers it.

A Code Does Not Work
Blender 2.93

I just enabled P.M.E in Blender 2.93
And Modal Operator does not work
Can someone help me?

hello everyone, somebody can tell me if there is a version working for the 2.93.0? thanks in advance

I’ve been using the last pie menu version with 2.93 since it was on beta (2 months?) and no problems.
PME usually conflicts with elements in your config so you aren’t going to know until you try basically.

I always export out a pme config and my custom blender keymap just incase things get messed up. Using pme 1.18.1 with 2.93 LTS no problems so far.

PME seems broken in latest 3.0 builds:


replace line 1929 in operators.py

event, self._draw_pm, pm.name if pr.show_pm_title else “”)

event=event, draw_func=self._draw_pm, title=pm.name if pr.show_pm_title else “”)


That works, thanks!

two more lines need adjusts


line 1952:
from -----> context.window_manager.popup_menu(self._draw_rm, pm.name)
to -----> context.window_manager.popup_menu(draw_func=self._draw_rm, title=pm.name)

line 1954:
from -----> context.window_manager.popup_menu(self._draw_rm)
to -----> context.window_manager.popup_menu(draw_func=self._draw_rm)


If I edit the operators.py with these changes it will break the addon for me. No error messages, no pie menu editor UI. Everything is just gone. Any advice on what might be wrong? It seems to work for some so maybe I’m missing something.

my pie_menu_editor version is 1.18.2

check if you change the right lines.

my operators.py:

Yeah that’s exactly how I pasted it in … Very weird.

Wrong characters in line 1929 if you copied this line from here. In the end you need this "")


Omg yes that fixed it. Thank you!