Pie Menu Editor 1.18.7

Don’t know if I’m understanding correctly but a macro should work if you want to queue actions like that


Invert it in the operator options

Interactive vertices size change in viewport?

I’m sure I came across an addon that has a slider to change the vertices in the viewport without going into preferences. Im trying to add a button to pie menu editor so I can do this but I cant add the preferences slider in the pie menu. Is there, or does someone know a way, I can add this option in the pie menu?

In the property tab:

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Thank you.

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Just installed Blender 3.2.1 and that code line doesn’t work anymore… anyone knows why?

[setattr(x.image.colorspace_settings, "name", 'Linear') for x in C.active_object.active_material.node_tree.nodes if x.select and x.type == "TEX_IMAGE"]

Some how next day it worked again… spooky.

is there a way to optimize the use of a button?

example: select several objects and apply the button to them: holdout?
for blender this button works by applying one object at a time.

it’s possible ?


Would it be possible to create a shortcut that you could press and hold anywhere on the screen, and then by just moving mouse sideways scroll an animation? Something you normally do by clicking this blue marker on the timeline and dragging it?

You could make a modal for that but there is an addon (grease pencil tools) that comes with blender that even has a timeline scrub ui



Thanks a lot! I’ll play with it right away.

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It doesn’t work here either

how can I create buttons, as in the image below, in pie?

is it possible to save the blender shortcuts settings by pie menu editor?

why are many commands , both in blender and in pie menu editor , not customizable ?
for example : holding shift .


Friends, am I correct in assuming that the addon is no longer being updated?
This is the greatest Blender addon, which to me is more important than Blender itself.
@roaoao , I hope you are doing well. Can you tell me if you are?

Guys, can anyone explain what those options are all about?
I only get the UI (side panel) its add new tab to N-Panel.
But any others doesnt seem to work. At least i cant see anything appear in the UI.
I guess is some functionality from older 2.7 blender or i doing something wrong?

is it possible by pie menu editor to create shortcuts to change the sliders of the shader editor nodes by : +0.001 and -0.001 ?
thanks in advance

very beginner level :slight_smile:

i’m trying to run an external py in a regular menu
as soon as i add the path of the custom py file my row disappears from the regular menu in 3dview

what am i doing wrong (btw how can i add relative path instead of absolute path when i’m adding the py file?

instead of this:
“c:\Users\adam.szalai\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.2\scripts\addons\remove_custom_orientation.py”

something like this:
“\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\3.2\scripts\addons\remove_custom_orientation.py”
or this:

Thank You for your answers in advance!

You should put that in the command tab if you want it inside a button.

In the menus (Pie menu, popup dialog, regular menu) things that are in the Command tab go inside a button and get executed when you press it. Things in the custom tab are getting executed the moment you open the menu.

Like when you move the slider holding shift but with a click?

Thanks for the fast reply!

Unfortunately the script is not working if i assign the py file to a command.
The script is working if i’m opening from script editor and simply press play button

Any suggestion what am i doing wrong?

I think registering a new operator and then trying to call seems to be too much. You could add the operator as an addon and the call it inside pme or simplify the script and use that:


sorry but still not ok.
now the script not functioning if i’m using as You described: