Really great to see @roaoao back again!! I’ve kept Blender on v3.1 because I didn’t want to lose PME functionality that I needed. I’ll keep watching here! I have to try that new version too.
Strange strory, man. I moved to 3.4 on previous pme version without any issue. I need to mention that my pme setup is really huge. So maybe the problem is on your side. Try to recreate this menu item.
My specific use case is editing existing context menus, which very few PME users seem to use. Whenever people tell me that it works fine for them it’s always with their own separate popups, but I rely mostly on adding stuff to context menus.
I’m also having the weird Label issues with menus created with pme and then nested in other menus/pie menues created in pme. I’ve attached my pie menu backup for reference. In this case the “Mesh Editing” pie that has custom extrude, split/seperate, and shading menus nested within the pie menu displays broken labels on the pie menu when called. my_pie_menus.json (14.3 KB)
Please find me reporting that issue to roaoao. And it is still unresolved. But roaoao says "fix the issues in the next version. So you can rest assured and just wait.
When the Line Width is set to ‘Thick’ (Preferences->Interface->Line Width), the Toggle Side Area function doesn’t work properly. Instead of hiding the side areas, it creates new ones. However, when Line Width is set to ‘Thin’ or ‘Default’, it works fine. Is there any way to fix this problem?
Hi @roaoao. I hope you’re doing well! I’ve just joined a studio and we’re investigating the possibility of using your addon in production. Could you let me know what license the addon is released as so that we can assess any legal risks and figure out costing?
Up until now I’ve used the addon purely as an individual for personal work but using it commercially is new territory. Please reach out and let me know! (1.7 KB)
Above is the complete code
Below is my part of the code that I want to use PME call class “cam.0v0” But it fails, please to tell me how can I Modify the code? @roaoao@Pluglug
i can use search to call these class But not with PME to call
class Cam_Base(bpy.types.Operator):
bl_idname = "cam.base"
bl_label = "Cam Base"
cam_name = "C_"
def execute(self, context):
C = bpy.context
# lock cam
bpy.context.object.lock_scale = (True, True, True)
bpy.context.object.lock_rotation = (True, True, True)
bpy.context.object.lock_location = (True, True, True)
# select cam =[self.cam_name]
# Select Active Cam
for area in C.screen.areas:
if area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
A = =[]
return {'FINISHED'}
class Cam_0V0(Cam_Base):
bl_idname = "cam.0v0"
bl_label = "Cam_0V0"
cam_name = "C_0V0"
Python identifiers cannot start with a number.
Testing in the Blender console will tell you why.
(Running it from menu search seems to work, but this is nothing short of miraculous.)