Pie Menu Editor 1.18.7

Your ancestors bless You :), it works following the instructions of the link You posted above! Pie Menu Editor 1.18.7 - #4836 by furianaki
Thank You very much!

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Until roaoao returns, we should compile a list of known issues and their solutions. Is there a way to pin this somewhere?


I think to open a new topic that should be pinned, and also can be refered would be great idea.

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I understand that I fucked you up, but it’s me again with my problems with hotkeys) I saw such a pattern - if you include some addons from MACHIN3 TOOL, then it is at this moment that some kind of failure occurs in PME and the original hotkeys that I replaced with other values using PME, then they stop working. and some new combinations work. Am I the only one who has such a problem? I’ve just reinstalled everything from scratch several times already and the problem is always the same

If you don’t unregister mm addons (disabling/enabling them) there should not be such cases (pre 4.0 releases). Also my advice is never use any impor-export hotkeys option. All in all personally I never experienced such problem.



When seeking support, providing more specific and clear information can lead to more effective problem-solving. Here are a few suggestions:

  1. MACHIN3 TOOL frequently updates its identifiers. It’s important to check if the version of MACHIN3 TOOL you are using supports specific features.

  2. Please review the following two posts, especially since adapting to blf changes is essential from Blender 4.0 onwards:

Furthermore, while your focus seems to be on ‘hotkeys’, it’s also important to check if they are properly registered in Blender Preferences > Keymap. I suspect that the issue might be more related to outdated code registered in the menu, rather than a problem with the hotkeys themselves.

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Thanks a lot for the answer. The irony is that the problem is so strange that I can’t describe it correctly. Initially, I thought that the root of the evil was that my home screen presets from version 3.5.6 did not work with the new version of blender. that’s why I did a clean install - manually recreated my hotkeys, theme settings, and so on. and the first thing I installed from the addons was PME because my entire workflow is built on working with this addon. And everything worked well, except for some functions (for example, the togl of switching the menu does not work at all

I specially installed addons only those that work with the new version of the blender, and I noticed that when I install addons from Machin3, my hotkey settings get lost. if you import them manually, they work. but this is not convenient because with each new start, these hotkeys have to be downloaded again, because they are not saved.
I hope that I have described my problem more clearly. I apologize for grammatical errors, English is not my native language

Thank you for the detailed explanation.

Toggle Side-Area

Toggle Side-Area is one of the features I had given up on in the past. I don’t fully understand the scope of the current problem, so I can’t fix it immediately. (Also, I’m short on time)

Upon revisiting the feature, I encountered the following two errors.

Operation: Creating a File Browser on the Left Side of the 3D View

Case 1: When there is no area on the left side of the 3D View (and a new area needs to be created)

Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\pluglug\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.0\scripts\addons\pie_menu_editor\extra_operators.py", line 730, in execute
  File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 4.0\4.0\scripts\modules\bpy\ops.py", line 106, in __call__
    C_exec, C_undo = _BPyOpsSubModOp._parse_args(args)
  File "C:\Program Files\Blender Foundation\Blender 4.0\4.0\scripts\modules\bpy\ops.py", line 60, in _parse_args
    raise ValueError("1-2 args execution context is supported")
ValueError: 1-2 args execution context is supported

This error occurs when calling bpy.ops.screen.area_split. From the error message, it’s presumed that this function expects 1 or 2 arguments. However, in this code, multiple keyword arguments are passed, which is likely the cause of the error. There’s a high possibility that the arguments for bpy.ops.screen.area_split have changed due to Blender Python API updates.

Case 2: When there’s already an area on the left side of the 3D View. Most editors work but some errors occur.

Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "C:\Users\pluglug\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.0\scripts\addons\pie_menu_editor\extra_operators.py", line 719, in execute
    self.add_space(a, self.area)
  File "C:\Users\pluglug\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.0\scripts\addons\pie_menu_editor\extra_operators.py", line 578, in add_space
    area.ui_type = space_type
TypeError: bpy_struct: item.attr = val: enum "FILE_BROWSER" not found in ('VIEW_3D', 'IMAGE_EDITOR', 'UV', 'CompositorNodeTree', 'Pencil4NodeTreeType', 'TextureNodeTree', 'ScriptingNodesTree', 'GeometryNodeTree', 'ShaderNodeTree', 'SEQUENCE_EDITOR', 'CLIP_EDITOR', 'DOPESHEET', 'TIMELINE', 'FCURVES', 'DRIVERS', 'NLA_EDITOR', 'TEXT_EDITOR', 'CONSOLE', 'INFO', 'OUTLINER', 'PROPERTIES', 'FILES', 'ASSETS', 'SPREADSHEET', 'PREFERENCES')

It’s a simple issue. space_type should be specified as FILES, but it’s incorrectly set as FILE_BROWSER. The method of obtaining items needs to be tracked and corrected.

These are the errors I’ve identified, but there’s a high probability that other problems may arise. If you find other errors, please report them along with the specific circumstances.


The hotkey issue might be more important for you. Therefore, I will put the Toggle Side-Area issue on hold for now.

However, I still don’t fully understand the situation. I would appreciate it if you could show me the situation through a screenshot.

Does “losing hotkey settings” mean they are “deleted” from Blender Preferences > Keymap?

Specifically, what gets deleted?

When PME writes to the keymap, it uses the operator wm.pme_user_pie_menu_call. Is this registered in the keymap with the title ‘Call Menu (PME)’? Can you find it?

Does this mean you’re importing Blender’s keyconfig, or are you importing PME’s menu?

Specifically, how are they lost? Does everything disappear, or only a part (like Call Menu (PME))?
Also, you mention Machin3’s addon affects the keymap, but how does this relate to PME?

If you could provide specific steps to reproduce the issue, I can investigate in more detail.

Additional Note: Investigating the situation where the keymap is reset might be challenging, especially if you are currently working on a project. It could be quite bothersome. Therefore, it’s okay to conduct this investigation when you have time.

Also, Blender’s portable (zip) version is useful for this kind of troubleshooting. You can find and download the version of Blender you need as a zip file from the following site. (For you, blender-3.5.1-windows-x64.zip might be suitable)
Download Any Blender

Once you’ve downloaded and unzipped the file, create a config folder before launching Blender from inside it. If you downloaded version 3.5, the directory should look like this:
This allows you to have an independent settings environment.

Please launch Blender from the following directory:

in general, I tried to show how it works. at times when the cursor just moves, it means that I’m pressing hotkeys, but they don’t work

Here is a link to the video. during the tests, it turned out that the newly created macro operators still do not work periodically, and the old ones work with errors. I’ll try to repeat what you wrote

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OK, I’ll check it out. (My reply might be a bit delayed.)
I wonder if I can reproduce the issue by installing PME and MT.
If it’s not too much trouble, could you please share that menu with me?
(Also, are you encountering the problem in 4.1?)
Please let me know the versions of MT and Blender you’re using.

my_pie_menus.json (279.6 KB)
modeling.json (42.1 KB)
in the first case, all my custom menus, in the second a shortened version.
all versions of blender 4 I have have this problem. I tried to transfer all my files after deleting user prefs and for a while my hotkeys and new menus worked, but then everything broke down again, so I can’t identify a pattern. when I installed an updated version of MT or Hair tool, this error returned againIn principle, I can survive this if I come up with a macro that will load my hotkeys when you click on it, but so far I haven’t figured out how to do it

thank you very much, you are a good person)

in this case, for some reason MT worked and Hyper cursor did not. And as you can see at the end, after restarting, I need to re-select the preset of hotkeys so that they work

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Thank you for the detailed explanation. I see you’re also using AutoHotPie.

Firstly, there’s a possibility that I might not fully understand your problem. Please feel free to point out any misunderstandings. And amidst several issues, we may only be able to solve one at a time. Please be patient as we work through them.

Let’s start with the Add Menu Pie (s+A) used for modeling. It seems to be a substitute for the Add menu provided by Blender. However, I found an issue where pressing Shift + A doesn’t bring up the Add Menu Pie, but instead shows the original Add Menu. This could be due to an improper keymap for the Add Menu Pie.

※ For clarity, I’ll refer to your Pie as “add_pie” and Blender’s Add Menu as “b_add_menu.”

To display add_pie instead of b_add_menu, it seems necessary to have add_pie’s Call Menu (PME) under the same keymap as b_add_menu.

Looking at the keymap for add_pie, I noticed you set it to 3D View. Let’s find out where b_add_menu exists in the keymaps. It’s not under 3D View > 3D View (Global).

Since it’s used in Object Mode, you can find it under 3D View > Object Mode > Object Mode (Global). I found a title called Add (Shift A), so let’s look inside. You can see the operator wm.call_menu calling the menu VIEW3D_MT_add. That must be it.

The conclusion is that setting the keymap for add_pie to Object Mode should work (it did for me, at least).

A remaining question is why, in your video, the b_add_menu isn’t disabled as you intended. But let’s overlook that for now. Please review your Keymap settings.

Your custom menu is quite interesting. You’ve created many Pies. (Are you from a Maya background?) Just like this time, when overriding Blender’s original hotkeys, ensure the keymaps are correctly set.

So, which issue shall we tackle next? I don’t have Hyper cursor. I missed the early access (is it open for recruitment now?).

yes, I really love AHP, I use it mainly for Zbrush and 3D Coat)

In my opinion, pie menus suggest themselves in Zbrush - the speed increases dramatically

And about solving problems with hotkeys - now I feel like an idiot)) Yes, you are right - if you set the menu to trigger in a specific mode (object) then everything will work)) You have no idea how grateful I am to you for your help!)))

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No, I used to work only in Zbrush, blender is my first studied modeling program) Maya, to be honest, I don’t like it, I don’t like it, but I try to transfer some chips from there

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my only remaining question is is it possible to fix this?

regarding hyper cursor, yes, it is still in prerelease, but you can buy it on patreon

I will explain the principle why I need these functions with opening and hiding and workspaces - this is very convenient, because you can constantly keep the entire viewport clean and turn on only the necessary menu at the right moment. I spied the idea of this from Zen Uv

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I’m glad to hear your issue got resolved! And you seem to be quite proficient in using AHP.

Regarding the Toggle Side-Area, I’ll try to work on it in the future. Please be patient. However, I’m not entirely satisfied with PME’s Toggle Side-Area. I feel that the Sticky UV Editor adopted by ZenUV might be more refined. Also, it would be nice if the toggled area could remember the width last used by the user. Wonder if that’s too difficult?

By the way, I’ve been solving your kind of purpose with a different addon.
I’m not actively recommending it; it’s more a matter of preference. I think with a little tweaking of FW’s source code, it could have been used with PME too.

Feel free to ask any questions.

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thank you! To be honest, this is the least of the problems) yes, Sticky UV is Cool, but unfortunately it updates the information in the UV window. that is, if you set some settings there, they will be reset when switching again. I wrote to the developers asking them to change it, they promised to fix it. The addon that you showed looks interesting, I will be happy to test it

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Hey there!
i tried this option, but i can’t see where is the panel group placed if i’m using this option. I also checked youtube tutorials but don’t see info about this

Also is there a way to use Panel Groups something like this:
but the windows should not disappear when i’m pressing a button, but could be closed with an X button.