Pie Menu Editor 1.18.7

I had that problem and was able to get rid of the message by disabling pme, saving settings, reopening, reenable pme and re importing menus.

Remember to backup your config and menus before trying this.

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Thank you guys!
described export-import helped (i lost tags for tons of my custom pme elements, but i think i can deal with it)

it’s works, thanks for the tips

What is the new methot to create modal operators?
My previous modal operator which was working in 3.1 are no longer works in B4.2, PME is updated to latest version.
If i try it will immidiately throw an error:


Python: Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\scripts\addons\pie_menu_editor\operators.py”, line 988, in modal
File “C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\scripts\addons\pie_menu_editor\operators.py”, line 1214, in update_overlay
self.table = TablePainter(3, self.cells, self.pm.name)
File “C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\scripts\addons\pie_menu_editor\overlay.py”, line 214, in init
self.header = Text(header) if header else None
File “C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\scripts\addons\pie_menu_editor\overlay.py”, line 163, in init
File “C:\Users\user_name\AppData\Roaming\Blender Foundation\Blender\4.2\scripts\addons\pie_menu_editor\overlay.py”, line 177, in update
blf.size(0, self.size, 72)
TypeError: blf.size() takes exactly 2 arguments (3 given)

I was able to find this solution: Pie Menu Editor 1.18.7 - #4862 by Pluglug

But unfortunately its only get rig of the error, but no modal operator are appear at all.

Modal operator:

Hello. Is there any way to change the brush mode in the new Blender 4.3 using the command?


I do believe this is abandonware now.
I’m the person who had been in contact with @roaoao via email. At one point he replied saying there were updates coming, but even that is a year and a half ago and any further emails were only met with silence since that moment.
I’m fully onboard with someone releasing full updates under their own name, and would gladly pay someone for the work involved with keeping this updated.
As you’ve been so active in here, and you seem to be very familiar with the code, you seem like a great candidate!
This is exactly what the GPL is meant to facilitate, and I’m thankful there’s a way forward for everyone who’s come to rely so heavily on this addon.


Thank you so much for your hard work! For a long time I was sitting on version 3.6, having lost hope of upgrading and thinking that I won’t be able to enjoy all the benefits of the new versions of Blender 4 due to a lot of glitches. But thanks to your patches, which fixed a lot of bugs, I was able to upgrade to the new version of. It would be great if you created a patch page on github. Thank you again.


I wonder is this a PME problem or how blender handle adding new keymaps?
If i take a fresh installation of blender, install PME and create some blank pie with a hotkey, as example Shift+E, after i click on add custom key keymap configuration - those hotkey will be duplicated.
And it will continue to duplicate over and over again each time you re-write custom keymap, i.e. lets say i create a custom keymap “MyKeymap”, and then click on plus button and add a new keymap with a name of “MyKeymap” which as a believe should basically re-write the previous one - hotkey Shift+E will be duplicated.
I now wonder maybe those shenanigans of “re-saving” kystom keymap by setting the same name are not treated as a regular re-write by blender side?

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@Michael_Knubben, thank you so much.
I’ve always hoped you could get in contact with roaoao.
PME appears to have become abandonware, and your feeling about it is probably correct. I agree with you on that point (even though I’ve consistently avoided explicitly stating it, and will continue to do so).

And @Firmino, searching for those patch files must have been tough.
I also realize that I’ve left some issues unaddressed. I should have dealt with them before they turned into new problems. My apologies, and thank you for your kind words. Yes, I’ll make setting up a proper distribution site for the patches my top priority.

@MichaelBenDavid, I apologize for the late reply. Your points are entirely valid.

Now, about PME’s license.
As far as I understand, PME does not explicitly state that it is under the GPL (please correct me if I’m wrong).
This means that unauthorized reproduction, modification, redistribution, or sales are explicitly not permitted.
Of course, I don’t think roaoao would knock on my door if I forked it without permission, but by now, I’m sure you’re all a bit weary of me saying I won’t just fork it casually.

Yes, I understand. The critical question is how we can maintain PME.
In my view, it shouldn’t be entrusted to a single individual again.
For example, if I were to take the lead on PME like roaoao did, we would face the same risks. My personal circumstances and limitations would determine PME’s future. This would only repeat the issues we’ve already experienced. That’s why I urge everyone to remain cautious about the current state, where it seems as though I’m single-handedly taking the lead on PME.

That said, starting fresh and rebuilding PME from scratch is definitely an option.
This would actually be an enjoyable project for me. Without worrying about compatibility with versions prior to Blender 4.0, I could create something much cleaner, and it would be easier to manage new features. I could also set a price to help cover maintenance costs, and I could release it under the GPL to ensure it could be easily passed on after I’m gone.

However, that’s something for the future.
I still need to deepen my understanding of Blender’s internal structure for PME, and I’d love to find some collaborators if possible.
Most importantly, the immediate priority is to create an environment where everyone can take PME into Blender 4.3.

So… I’ll start working on documentation urgently.
I’ll organize the information and create a place where patches and usage guides can be easily accessed. I’ll do it as quickly as possible.

Finally, I don’t intend to make all the decisions by myself.
I want us all to find a way to preserve this wonderful tool together.
Please share how you feel and what kind of support you think PME needs moving forward.

I hope PME doesn’t disappear as “abandonware” but continues to evolve as an essential tool for Blender users. PME must be kept alive.


Thank you very much for your support of PME.
It is a pity that roaoao is not in touch. In my opinion the guys from blendermarket should have contacted roaoao or his relatives. I doubt it’s possible and probably not aesthetically pleasing, but after such a long time I don’t think he will get in touch.
Please forgive my thoughts


Documantation with some practical examples would be great! And i do believe what on top of that it can be cool to have some “troubleshooting” secion. Theres a certain amount of bugs (like the one with args, which you helped to fix, and those where pme duplicating its own internal hotkeys) with solutions, but all of this is literally buried under tons of messages in this thread.


@Pluglug, PME doesn’t allow us to assign Click event in the addon preferences, so I had to manually change it in the Keymap for some PME commands to avoid conflicts:

These changes were preserved after Blender was restarted. However in B4.3 (4.2?) Click is reversed to Press no matter what I do.

Is there a way to return the previous behavior or even add Click in PME itself?

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I have a basic question - what’s the difference between Press and Click? Sorry I’m not familiar with it as I haven’t tested it much.
I quickly checked the documentation but couldn’t find detailed explanations.

Event(bpy_struct) - Blender Python API

PME registers wm.pme_user_pie_menu_call to the Keymap and handles events by itself (reference post).
While adding Click should be possible, we’d need to explain clear differences and benefits for doing so.

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When we press any button there are 2 actions: down(A) and up(B).
So if we assign Press event to a hotkey then it’ll start a command immediately as we down(A) the button. With Click it will start a command only after we release the button (A+B)

In short there is a peculiarity in Blender that if a hotkey has Press event then it blocks other combinations with this hotkey. But let me prepare a more detailed explanation with examples regarding it


Hmm, so Press allows for immediate reaction, but Click requires the action of pressing and releasing, meaning it’s more intentional.
For example, if I want to do Ctrl+A, with Press, I’d need to press Ctrl and then A in that specific order. But with Click, does it mean the order doesn’t matter?
It seems like it could be useful for selecting brushes. I don’t completely understand it yet, but I’m looking forward to your explanation!

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For example, for changing Modes in blender quickly i have the command “tab” set to “click” and then another command that is a modes pie menu from 3d viewport menus addon as “click drag” + “tab”. And yes if the “tab” is set to “press” as default then other “click drag” command variation doesn’t work…

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I had to come up with quite simple and illustrative example in default blender config you could reproduce.

Let’s say we want to use MMB for 2 things in Geometry Nodes layout:

  1. Pan View (default)
  2. Connect a node to the Groupe Output

To do so we have to add new keymap item in Node Editor: node.connect_to_output
Should look this way:
But it won’t work because of the Press

To make it workable we have to change both Press to the following:
You can play with different combinations.

Here is my config (with the problem I’ve mentioned above that either Blender or PME can’t save Click event and revert it back to Press every time I restart Blender):

If you need I can look for additional use-cases form my Industry Compatible Alt-Maya navigation keymap.


Agree. Blender is really advanced in terms of assigning multiple variations for hotkeys. As example, to emulate Press we can use Click + Click Drag:

I’m not sure regarding ordering but it’s an interesting idea regarding brushes.


Hello again. I would like to know if there is any way to change the sculpting brush in the new version 4.3 using Python and PME? Or is everything already rigidly tied to the asset?


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Yes open asset browser in sculpt mode or go to the sculpting template in where is already shown, or just click in the draw brush and is the same thing that appears, and right click in every asset to assign a new shortcut for each.