Pie Menu Editor 1.18.7

Hi, @servapunk
“Upgrade to 2.8x required” message means that the add-on doesn’t support Blender 2.8.
Try to install this fix for PME 1.15.3. I’m going to release it this week.
Note that Blender 2.8 is still in development and the add-on can be broken again at any time. Please let me know if this happens.

Nice, now its working great, thank you!

Hi roaoao!

I suddenly found out that the functionality of the “external script” was broken, it worked earlier just fine, but now I have:

/pie_menu_editor/ui_utils.py", line 171, in execute_script
exec(marshal.load(f), exec_globals)
ValueError: bad marshal data (unknown type code)

2.79 and last PME version

Hi, @chombor
Try to delete addons/pie_menu_editor/scripts/__pycache__ folder and restart Blender.

Try to delete addons/pie_menu_editor/scripts/__pycache__ folder and restart Blender.

same ~_~

Same for me I can’t get external script files to work even if I removed cache folder and restarted blender :frowning:

@chombor, @fiendish55, thanks, will try to fix.
Meanwhile you can disable caching in PME Preferences > Settings tab > General tab > Cache External Scripts

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I just bought this great Add-on, and was making my first Menu! :slight_smile:

Although, I’m wondering, is it possible in PME, or via External .Py Script, to click 1 button, but depending on Ctrl/Alt/Shift Key Pressed State, Trigger different Functions/Methods?

Like, if Ctrl is Held while Pressing PME Button, Reset Object Location.
If Alt Held, Reset Rotation
If Shift Held, Reset Scale?

Hi, yes, you can find an example in this post.

Hmmmmm… I was’t able to get it to work. I must be doing something wrong…?

PieMenu_StackKey.m4v (824.0 KB)

Edit: I missed part of the GIF you linked. I might have it now… testing…

Edit2: I got it! Or understand now. Thank you!

Another Question.

I got this working via an external Python Script, in another format, but can I write this as 1 line, and skip the external file?

if bpy.context.space_data.show_only_render == False bpy.context.space_data.show_only_render = True else bpy.context.space_data.show_only_render = False

Edit: Another question :).

Is it possible to copy this panel or settings somehow, so I can move object in Local Space/etc? Ideally I’d like to be able to Toggle Global/Local Space buttons, and it would let me use the same spinners , but according to the space.


Toggle Global / Local, and use these Spinners to adjust in proper Space?


Use this code in Command tab:

bpy.context.space_data.show_only_render = not bpy.context.space_data.show_only_render


setattr(bpy.context.space_data, "show_only_render", True) if bpy.context.space_data.show_only_render == False else setattr(bpy.context.space_data, "show_only_render", False)

Or just use the path in Property tab to add a toggle button:


It’s not easy but I think it’s possible. You can copy active operator settings using:


Ah, thank you! Yeah, the If/Then makes more sense now! :slight_smile:

I was looking into the active_operator, but I’m not sure how to use that exactly… maybe I can figure it out.


So this is super janky I feel like, but I almost got what I want, more or less. I used a Property, to setup my Z Slider for Example. Then call a Python script, passing in the Value/Bools I need. Then in the script, check if World/Local Space, and Translate Accordingly… lol. Again, seems very hacky, but works…

But the main issue now is, when I Translate in Local Space, the Spinner Value doesn’t get any Data passed back to it, so the Location/Z Value is not accurate anymore.

I can do all this in Maxscript / C# / WPF easily, but not sure in here yet.


Ok, so I was able to get this to show up, based on the Active Operator.
The Values Match/Change between my UI and the side Panel, but the Object doesn’t actually move in the viewport…?


Not sure. Try to add undo positional argument (True):

bpy.ops.transform.translate(True, value=(msg[0].......)

Ah… ok. I can maybe try that / look into that.

I did realize I can setup a Translate operation, and then use Redo Last, to get a Popup of the side panel settings. So really, if I could just Macro both of those, that might be ok too. I’ll try that as well.

That active operator panel is hard-coded in Blender and has some special behavior. Blender calls bpy.ops.ed.undo_redo(True) to apply changes made in that panel.
You can try to add custom Vector property with On Update code:


Pie Menu Editor 1.15.4

What’s New:

  • Blender 2.8 Alpha Support
  • Python 3.7 Support

How to Update

  • Backup your pie menus using Export button.
  • Open User Preferences (ctrl+alt+U).
  • Go to the Add-Ons tab.
  • Click Install Add-on from File button, navigate to the file you downloaded and install it.
  • Restart Blender.

Yeah, that works! At least as a debug/test.
Doing something like,


But, to move in Z, i have to also set the Axis Constraints, to see the Update of course.
I’m not sure how I can use this yet/still trying to wrap my head around it.

I tried doing the Property/OnUpdate, but I must not have been doing it right.


Seems like I can’t edit that stuff though via Python/External Script. Or it doesn’t update the UI anyways. I can only seem to get the Value.

I think I found a bug with the Property Editor/Slider?


Property_Spinner_Bug.m4v (903.2 KB)