Pie Menus (official) Customization

Update with my view pie menu ^^

Shortcut spacebar for this one, so you need to change the search menu.


Nice Job! This is huge! The only thing to improve is I think you should switch out the User Preferences with the Properties area.

You can choose the area you want after beeing in the users preferences :wink:

We can not put a pie menu in a pie menu :frowning:

We can not put a pie menu in a pie menu :frowning:

not yet or will come later on

happy bl

@ pitiwazou

how do u go so fast on PM
is it using some swipe or only Key calls?

what was the last menu in video


You don’t actually have to click a pie, if you swipe in the correct direction before it spawns it will choose that option.

I was able to change it from the user preferences to properties. It was pretty easy as you would expect. I still don’t understand why you chose the users preferences though.

I never change views with the properties but I go in the preferences a lot of time.
If peoples prefers the properties instead of the preferences, I will change that ; )

@pitiwazou your View Pie Menu is awesome, almost what I was lookin for.

@RickyBlender the PM what I post in #49 is imposible right now but @LiquidApe said that they are working on it. Correction: 28 options, not 25.

@Pitiwazou what I would do is change User Preferences -> Properties and add User Preferences to the list below. And maybe add the outliner too.

And one menu to change between screens would be perfect.

If I put the change area tool (split and join area) in a menu, it will not be as fast as it is now.

The gesture with pie works only if we have one operator, if we add menu, that dosn’t work anymore.

I still not found the operator for sculpt brushes :frowning:

I found it !

Really great stuff Céd!
I’m looking forward to try some of your PMs. It seems all the stuff you do resonates with my own workflow. Keep at it!
I’m glad you guys are still taking a crack at this and keeping the thread alive, doing some great stuff!

I got too frustrated trying to build my own PMs, and went back to using LiquidApe’s Addon. It does the job for me well, and I had already reconfig’d the hotkeys on it. Instead I resorted to sculpting :slight_smile:

Thanks OrAngE :wink:

Still work on the sculpt pie menu, I have issue with some buttons.

To add those pie button, I create a class operator

class FillBrush(bpy.types.Operator):    bl_idname = "fill.brush"
    bl_label = "Fill Brush"
    def execute(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        return {'FINISHED'}

En a pie menu class

class SculptPieMenu(Menu):    bl_idname = "sculpt.pie"
    bl_label = "Sculpt Pie Menu"

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        pie = layout.menu_pie()
        #4 - LEFT
        pie.operator("crease.brush", text='Crease', icon='BRUSH_CREASE')

But on some operator, I have this error.

En custom pie menu for exemple.

import bpyfrom bpy.types import Menu

# Brushes Classes
class CreaseBrush(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "crease.brush"
    bl_label = "Crease Brush"
    def execute(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        return {'FINISHED'}
class ClayBrush(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "clay.brush"
    bl_label = "Clay Brush"
    def execute(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        return {'FINISHED'}
class FillBrush(bpy.types.Operator):
    bl_idname = "fill.brush"
    bl_label = "Fill Brush"
    def execute(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        return {'FINISHED'}
# Pie Menu
class SculptPieMenu(Menu):
    bl_label = "Sculpt Pie Menu"

    def draw(self, context):
        layout = self.layout
        pie = layout.menu_pie()
        pie.operator("clay.brush", text='Clay', icon='BRUSH_CLAY')
        pie.operator("crease.brush", text='Crease', icon='BRUSH_CREASE')
        pie.operator("fill.brush", text='Fill', icon='BRUSH_FILL')

def register():
def unregister():
if __name__ == "__main__":


If somenone can hel me on this :wink:

I think that you have the wrong brush name. The Fill brush for example, is actuall called the “Fill/Deepen”. Are you getting this error for multiple brushes?

Same with "Fill/Deepen


I think that you didn´t unsderstand what I was trying to say in #72. This (with a change too, XD):

And sorry for repeating myself but I think we NEED this:

You are right, it’s better like that :wink:

By the way, if your want change the button it’s really simple, juste copy/paste the code you want whare you want in the script :wink:

After, I can add a second pie for other views. the best will be a pie in a pie !
For layouts it’s more complicated because peoples changes them.

Thanks dude!! AWESOME!

I tried to change the button, for “V” but something weird happens, it still go to “Vertex paint” even going to “User preferences” and removing “V” for vertex paint. Don´t know why…

PD: where is the code for this last menu?! jejeje

At the bottom of the script :wink:

NO!! I was saying to the whole new PM, not to change the shortcuts!! XDDDDD!

Or you change the “old” code? Sorry I got lost a little. XD

You mean, the official pie menu ?