how can i move the point that an object rotates around? rite now, the point isnt the center, and i want the object to rotate around its center
Look for the Center, Center New and Center Cursor buttons in the Editing window (F9).
on the 3d window header there is a menu just to the left of the layers
it controls these things
you probably want: individual object centers
but there are other options
bounding box center is the comma key, and the 3d cursor is the period key [for easy access]
you can also make your object rotate around one particular vertice:
1-go into Edit mode, select the vertice you wan to rotate your object around (this will be your pivot point), use Alt+S > Cursor to Selection. The cursor is now at the exact location of your vertice.
2-You can now leave the Edit mode. On the toolbar of your 3D view (see the post of z3r0 d, above), select the Cursor as pivot point, R-KEY to rotate your object: it rotates around the pivot point you set!
Doing this way is conservative: you don’t have to change the center of your object, so that it stays the same (better for most resizing tasks) and you can finely rotate objects in assemblies by selecting “realistic” pivot points.
Hope this helps
i tried using alt-s, but that doesnt move the cursor, it does shrink/flatten. ???
Yes, it’s SHIFT+S, sorry for that. I was kinda busy at work when I answered that, lol!