pivot question

I am wondering when I create an object the pivot point (pink dot) is always away from
the object. Can I move the point to the center of the object?


Button window, editing context (F9), Tab “Mesh”, Button “Centre new”. You must be in object mode to make it work. Regards

… What mode are you adding your objects in ? It sounds like you are adding objects in Edit Mode and not in Object Mode … The center/pivot point is always created in the center of the object when it is created in Object Mode (and at the cursor’s location) . But if you create additional geometry in Edit Mode you are not creating a new object … just adding to the object selected before going into Edit Mode .

If you want to separate the part you created select all geometry for that object in Edit Mode and press P to separate it from your current object then Tab out into Object Mode . Now select your new object and from the 3d header Object -> Transform -> Center New to center the pivot point/center to the new object . If you do not do this your new object will share the pivot point/center of the old object it used to be a part of .

VP ,youare corect the pivot is created in the center but if I move the object the pivot point stays the same, anyway Bartleby’s suggestion works great. Thanks
