Pixel image blurring.

My pixel gun (making it like doom) it blurs some reason when it is placed on a plane why is that ?

Your image is small. Size it up - if it is 64x64, make it 128x128 or 256x256 for example.

it is suppose be a pixel like image arg XD

I know. I’m saying the resolution of the picture is too low. If you double the size, that means more pixels that will fit on the plane of the same size, and so the pixels will be sharper (each pixel would be a smaller percentage of the plane, and so the gun will be more pixel-ly).

EDIT: Here’s an example. The right one is blurry and the left one isn’t - you can see the texture’s the same. The only difference is that the sharp one is 128x128 instead of 64x64, like the blurry one.