"Pixie Dust" effect. How can I do it? Video inside>>>

The floating stars are handmade and each one has its own animation. It would be nice to know how to do a dozen of these with one “swoop” or something.

Here’s the video so far. It is the beginning of a mini video slideshow. A few seconds of FX

Now, keep in mind, it is either this little simple FX or none at all. This is a bonus video that I decided to toss into the DVD, just for fun. To fill some space.

well, i assume you know they follow a path. So, duplicate the path and just move some vertexes around a bit. repeat 11 times and youve got a dozen.

Or duplicate the path 11 times, then tab into edit randomly and grab a vert and move it a little. Repeat rapidly until you get a sort of tangled web woven of the different paths.

I didn’t use a path. Being that there are only 4 “stars”, I just create plots at different frames. I forget how to do paths.

ok, well then, just do the same with your ipo curves. Duplicate a halo, then go to the ipo curve, tab into edit mode, select some vertices, grab them and jiggle and drop. The idea is to create a little variation in each curve/path.