Pizza (Geometry Nodes)

Fully procedural pizza made with Blender’s geometry nodes. Pizza materials are procedural as well. Took about 3-4 nights to complete, with about half the time spend on materials. Rendered with Eevee.

Check out artstation link for more renders and demo videos!


Looks really appetizing, amazing job!

This looks delicious. Very impressive work. I am amazed that it’s all procedural. :grinning:

amazing work indeed. looks so real! :heart_eyes:

I featured you on BlenderNation, have a great weekend!

You’re on the featured row! :+1:

are you consider to put it on Blendermarket?

Addit bite marks on the pizza slices would be nice.

:yum: OMG you italy :smiley:

Ye gods!!! Is there nothing that can’t be made procedurally at this point?!!

Yeah, this is utterly scrumptious! Bravo Ken!

amazing work!!!