Place your bets for Fund raiser goal dates!

The thermometer’s back and it’s fund rais’n time!
So after you’ve bought your manual, come back here and place your bet as to when the benchmark goals of 500 and 1,000 sales will be reached!
Who ever gets the closest gets to know they were the closest. :slight_smile:

So I say we reach…

500 sales on: 11/29 (next Saturday)
1,000 sales on 12/20 (My Birthday)

The “Manualometer” shows the amounts for both the pending and paid orders, but for our purposes lets just count the paid orders.

500 at November 26th
1000 at December 7th

Just ordered my copy :stuck_out_tongue:

500 Nov 27
1000 Jan 5

1000 on Dec 11 (my birthday)

I’d say I won the first round :smiley:

Well, I had said we’d only count the “paid” total, but I made that statment
after you placed your bet so I guess it doesn’t count.

So, congradulations nico!
The first round goes to you.

The paid amount hit 1000 on Jan 15.

tordat had the nearest guess.
“1000 Jan 5” So congrats to tordat!

I estimate they’ve made over 52,000 Euros counting the pending and paid total.

I originally just ordered my copy on Amazon, because I wasn’t aware I could order directly. I would assume that if I order directly it would help the foundation more than ordering from Amazon which helps Amazon.

Though this is almost a rhetorical question…is this true?

I can simply cancel my Amazon order.



More money goes to the foundation if you order with them directly.
