Hello I’m making a game, and want 2D doors in it. So I have a plane, set to twoside, and an animated image texture. I am wondering how to control the image texture animation so it doesn’t just loop all the time.
Is there any way to do this? I also would like to know if I can reverse the animation (close the door)
You can do this by manipulating the UV-Coordinates. It is only possible with Python. Search for the UV-Scroll script. That will help.
You can also move your plane, just with an IPO. Then play it in flipper mode (with a property sensor). This is much simpler.
I hope it helps
Thanks Monster
I am hesitant to use an Ipo because then it may get in the way of the room next door (or next story up) but thinking about it now it would have moved back by the time you get there, so I think I’ll do that.