Man, those are awesome characters, good job on that for sure!!! The second pic there makes me want to see a matrix like fight animation, would be hillarious!!!
is it me or would that be a cool animation?
when i saw the …Executing i immediatly thought
Matrix reloaded (smiths’ vs neo)
and god would use the reaper thingy as the pole
bg3D: After 3 years using blender and 1.5 years using wings, Its a obrigation to me to model right =]. Have patience and you will reach there, young Jedi =]
Jolly Gnome: The idea was born naturally, in my galery you may see: First, I´ve made a Devil…then I´ve made God…then I thought that something was missing, and bang… the Reaper born (/me man…speak English in Past Tense is so confusing =])
Bapsis: I thought the same when I finished the picture =]
h3llbl4z3r: Animated them without a cloth simulator should be strange an painful. The parts in the arm should “enter” the mesh. I´ve tweaked a lot until I find the best poses for them in the shot. But…who knows?
seanix: Take care with the Reaper =]
Vogetoemon: Thanks =]
DreamMaster: Thanks, and go to “h3llbl4z3r” =]
bg3D again: I dont have time right now to post tuts links , but you could take a look at the Question and Aswers forum here at elysiun a see the topic with tuts link. And thw Wings forum are very helpful too. Later I can send you some links =]
Fred_Pyo: Thanks. I remember Pink and the Brain too =]
how did I miss this one?? fantastic stuff… those rubber gloves the little guys are wearing… oh man!! hehheh… that execution picture looks like something that could use checkered floor texture