Plant model texture not showing properly alpha issue?

Hi, I’m having a problem with my plant texture not showing properly, the colours are muted in the render. I put the albedo petal texture (white and pink) in the render to compare so i know it isn’t a lighting issue. Can anyone help with this? I not a newbie but don’t do much with shaders beyond the basics. I have tried the alpha clip/connect base colour shader to alpha channel but make zero difference. Image are rendered in cycles.

Many thanks

Hi there…

Check your material’s subsurface scattering settings… it may be too high. Could also be that the Transmission setting is too high.

Also check if you’re not mixing too much with a translucency shader.

Good luck.

Thank you! Its wasn’t any of those but by looking for them i realized that texture has a default transmission of 1!!! so fixed thanks!