I want my character to be able to move through the platform from the bottom and side, but not from the top.
I want my character to be able to move through the platform from the bottom and side, but not from the top.
in platform properties
Platform = a tag for identification
Physics = A string, the name of a physics object on a hidden layer
PhysicsHeight = float , the height of physics object
in player
Near(property Platform)----------python
import bge
cont = bge.logic.getCurrentController()
own = cont.owner
scene = bge.logic.getCurrentScene()
Near = cont.sensors['Near']
if Near.positive:
for objects in Near.hitObjectList:
if own.worldPosition.z>(objects.worldPosition+((actor height/2)+(objects['PhysicsHeight'])/2)):
so if you are near a platform, and you are above the platform add in a physics object for 1 frame.
this way while your standing on the platform it has physics,
and it disapears otherwise.
you can also later have if down key held, dont add physics
(down jump)
I tried something, but couldn’t get it working.
Here’s the blend file if you want to give it a shot.
game_test.blend (717 KB)
Check it
the near sensor needed to be in the player.
this way you can use 1 sensor , platforms should be no wider than just under near diameter, (near radius *2)
game_test_BprReturn.blend (663 KB)
Thanks, it works!
No problem, happy blending,
Just mark this thread as solved, in advanced edit of first post,
change prefix to solved.
Now I’m just mad because the solution was so simple.
Thanks, though.
Don’t beat yourself up, I do this alot
I have been trying to write efficient code using the bge for a long time.