Hi everyone
I am now doing some actions for my game character for a ‘finish move’ after her dance. And i want a function that:
- loads a sound track
- when its loaded, it will play itself and the ‘happy yeeying action’ of my game character
The sound should be only played once. ( the script is connected to an Always with no pulse enabled )
The script now just makes the girl doing her yeeying action.
I made something like this but it doesnt really work. Thank you in advance for your help.
from bge import logic
import aud
def main():
cont= logic.getCurrentController()
own = cont.owner
p_1 = logic.expandPath("\\sounds/endlevel.ogg")
end = aud.Factory.file(p_1)
name = "finish"
start = 0
end = 1000
layer = 0
priority = 0
blendin = 0
mode = logic.KX_ACTION_MODE_PLAY
layerWeight = 0.0
ipoFlags = 1
speed = 2.33
own.playAction(name, start, end, layer, priority, blendin, mode, layerWeight, ipoFlags, speed)