Play animation on keypress

Hey there,

I downloaded a template trebuchet for a simple game I’m making and looking for some help on how to play the animation when I press a key.

I know how to make an animation play on keypress with the logic editor, however, this template had no animations in the way that I’ve worked with them before. The only way I can figure out how to play the animation is by pressing Alt+a, all I want to do is connect that animation to a key

I attached the file (google drive, I think I’m too new to attach files) and would greatly appreciate any help!

anyone? It would be greatly appreciated

Sorry - I have read your post, as I know others have, but Game Engine is one thing I know nothing about.

Cheers, Clock.

I looked at the file. You have a keyboard sensor watching the spacebar. It triggers an actuator that calls an external file called trebuchet,blend. So you need that file to run the game.