PLaying god.

Wans’t there an episode on the new “Outer Limits” about that, where there was a game show where murderers are hunted by people related to the victims? One murderer claimed that he was innocent, and that video evidence was altered so he would get blamed.

Ick! That’s NOT the “Outer Limits” I love! The one I like had monsters constantly!

Anyway, you can play God in any sense, but how long can you play before someone wakes you up and reminds you that it was only fantasy? Also, in a way, everyone who makes a decision is playing God–they are affecting the world around them, whether it be not doing an assignment or killing their leader, they are affecting their history.

But, if you mean as in creation, nobody really can play God, because He knows everything you’re going to do. He knows everything. So how can you have free will, if every move you make is already known before it happens by God?

Blender is, in a few ways, playing God, but if you make an image about aliens that you made up, you’re not playing THE God. The aliens are not in your image. Plus, if you make a short film, you’re following a script (unless you’re improvising), you’re using pre-made models, so you’re not exactly creating EVERYTHING at that time. You’re only making the character animations.

yeah, the new show is a let down. the old one was way better. my favorite episode was the one with the scientist that took a piece of
meteriorite and recreated a world where the rate of evolution was
1000’s of times faster than ours. and the floating white ‘hand’ monster
that tried to kill him. gave me nightmares!

Unless the standards change to keep the integrity of the shot material. Such as the original material having bits that are encrypted, and if those are broken, the material is considered ‘altered’.[/quote]

BUT, some people can alter, say, .tgas (which have little bits that, if altered, screw everything up) and make it seem okay. What’s to stop these future hackers from placing someone they hate in the video evidence to frame them?


The bits can’t be hidden in the images themselves, or else it would look noisy. They’re hidden in probably the programming, so these hackers could go and copy those bits and put them back. No more “original government conspiracy!” Now, it’s just some guy going into an apartment, shooting a person, and leaving. Nothing is safe anymore! Plus, if the GOVERNMENT is the makers of these bits, and they’re the ones altering things so that Osama’s being blamed, what can stop them aside from the paranoic conspiracy theorists?

(I’m a paranoid psycho! I’m SUPPOSED to act out!)

The episode you’re thinking of is “Wolf 359.” A good one, but then again, there were few bad episodes.

now you made me go look at all the old episodes! i retract my previous favorite!
my choice is:“DEMON WITH a GLASS HAND”
with a second choice of “SOLDIER”

but, like you said, there were few bad ones :slight_smile:

I like “Demon With A Glass Hand,” along with “A Feasibility Study” and “The Architechts Of Fear.”

Uh, hu…

The way I see it, you just contradicted yourself. You say we can do whatever we like to our history, ‘playing god’ you say, and now you say that’s not the case, as this imaginary creature has all our fates set? Please explain to me.

Did you not see the place where I wrote: “Unless the standards change”?

That means changing the image/video format standards to prevent people from using forged material to proove something. Wether or not the standards contain a strong protection is something else though, as every security dude says: “Nothing is secure”. But you can make things less insecure.

Changing a standard doesn’t (necessarily) mean government control either.

The way I see it, you just contradicted yourself. You say we can do whatever we like to our history, ‘playing god’ you say, and now you say that’s not the case, as this imaginary creature has all our fates set? Please explain to me.

Inorder to understand this notion, you would have to try and comprehend the exsistance of mulitple levels of dimension. With each differnt level having it’s own time scale and exsistance. We think of our live and time scale as begin a strait, continuously flowing timline. But it is possible for time in other dimensions to work differently. In order to understand this, you would have to imagine moving on to a differnt world with a differnt time, while at the same time pre-exsisting yourself in the origional world, but never repeating because it happended after the orginal timeline. This sounds crazy, but you must remember, another dimension would not hold the same types of math and logic as we do here.

If God had long hair and a goatee
And if his eyes were pretty glazed,
if he looked spaced out
Would you buy his story, would you believe
He had an eye infection?

And, yeah, yeah, God looks baked
Yeah, yeah, God smells good
Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah

What if God smoked Cannabis?
Hit the bong like some of us?
Drove a tie-dyed microbus
And he subscribes to Rolling Stone?

When God made this place in the beginning
Did he plant any seeds,
or did he put them there for
Adam and Eve so they’d be hungry
For the apple that the snake was always offering?

And yeah, yeah, God rolls great
Yeah, yeah, God smells good
Yeah, yeah, yeah yeah yeah

What if God smoked Cannabis?
Do you suppose he had a buzz
When he made the platypus?
When he created Earth our home?
Does he like Pearl Jam or The Stones?
And do you think he rolls his own
Up there in heaven on the throne?
And when the saints go marching home
Maybe he sits and smokes a bowl…


Do you have any substantial facts to back this up?
As I think this whole idea sounds very hippy-ish and lsd tripped, I’d like for you to explain this to me in a concrete way.

It is fully explained by mathematics, and alleged by modern day string theory, which looks to be VERY promising. I would love to give facts and prove this, because then I would get the Nobel Prize, but there is many top notch physicists working on this currently. We simply don’t have powerful enough particle excellerators to get that deep into the atom. But even though, it would take an accelartor of enormous size to prove string theory. Until then it remains a very logical answer to a very logical problem.

If the religious people have the biggest problems with understanding and acceptance, why is it that the non-religious people are so bent on keeping the views of religious people from being heard in schools?

sorry, wrong thread

If the religious people have the biggest problems with understanding and acceptance, why is it that the non-religious people are so bent on keeping the views of religious people from being heard in schools?

when was the last time a string theorist showed up on your door step to convert your way of thinking? it’s the same thing as going to school and having to listen to people talk about god. i mean seriously if you don’t believe in god would you wanna hear about it? as far as those people are concered it’s like teaching the young children that 3+2=6 it’s just incorrect in their way a thinking. would you listen to “bullshit” all day. would you want them teaching your kids about monsters? we all know they don’t exist unless you can some how prove otherwise.

RUN the great CLOSET MONSTER will get you!

Tmtechie, I am very surprised at your lack of respect of other peoples beliefs. If you are so enlightened then about the truth, prove what you say, prove that it is incorrect. I gurantee, besides a personl attack on myself, you will get nowhere!

Your post shows nothing but ignorance and arrogance on your part!!!

wtf are you talking about acosto?? a personal attack eh? i mearly replied to someone other than you about why religion is hated in schools. i also made a point that religion is hated because most times it is pushed on people just like the bible salesmen that go door to door (you don’t see string theorists doing this right that’s why people don’t bitch about them). as for anything else i don’t believe in religion or anything out there so powerful as to rule anything. you just live and when you blow a hose or a gasket you die… so in that case you might wanna cool down :smiley: trust me man if i were here to personally be your living hell you would know and it would all be perfectly clear. as to string theory it is quite interesting and would love to smash some atoms one day. knowledge is power and for all those people out there striving and actually coming forth with NEW material i must bow down to their excellence. as for respect - i respect everyone as long as they don’t push it on me… you can think what you wanna, talk what you wanna, share what you wanna but you can’t tell me that bible salesmen are honestly just coming over to my house to share. they are trying to sell and change the way you see your world. as for proof a kindergarten class can tell you 3+2 is not equal to 6 :wink:

so i guess if all this respect for peoples views and what not is ignorance and arrogance so be it.

I was reffering to what might be your response to my post, I figured a personal attack would follow. As for the respect, there are many people who push the topic but this in no way classifies the whole group, or the religion in a whole as wrong. But then on the otherside also, people push stuff like evolution on people (and kids) who otherwise do not believe because it counters their belief system.

exactly and in no way did i define an entire group… mearly pointed out why people don’t like it. not everything people don’t like or don’t understand or for that matter want to understand (which is probably the biggest downfall of them all) is bad. everyone is entitled and everyone should look into all anvenues before jumping to any conclusions about anything. especially something that is centered or non-centered in their life respectively.

Very well put macke. Im sorry dittohead, in my opinion macke is correct. The whole point is, that if after reading this post, macke thinks Im a complete idiot, he`s entitled to his opinion.

Why dont you base your beliefs/opinions on your own findings, which you then soley and selflessly believe. Rather than then trying to convince others that your right cos it makes you feel more secure?


ps Just my opinion!

I will have to look into that, thanks.

Let me ask you this then, which religion is right?

I don’t mind being educated on religion in school, I find it necessary infact. But learning about religion and having it pushed upon you are two very different things. As a person, I don’t mind reading about christianity, or islam, or whatever religion, but I do mind that the education may be saturated by religious beliefs. I wish to choose what to believe myself, not have it chosen for me.

As an example. In the first years of school, we would pray every morning. I didn’t really complain, I was like 6 years old and didn’t really understand it. Later on, that stopped as we were getting older. But then we would visit a church (christian) when the semester ended, and we would sing religious songs and whatnot. That did bother me, as I was beginning to understand that this, the going to church and such, didn’t have any importance to me as a student. Why should I be forced to go to church, when I’m an atheist? Have christianity pushed upon me. And if a christian church is allright, why not visit a buddhist temple too for instance? This doesn’t only apply to christianity, many schools are saturated by other religions instead. Some don’t even read about other religions!

So, my point is, reading about religions is ok in my book, but when the reading stops, so should the religious part. Studying isn’t for making drones, at least not how I see it. It’s for feeding people enough information to think for themselves. Having anything, including religion, pushed upon you will therefor stop you, at least somewhat, to think for yourself. Why, you may ask. Well, consider these to statements:
“The world got created in this manner!”
“The world got created in this manner?”

The first explicitly states that, that’s how it is, while the second is like giving a theory, not a definite answer. Understand me now?