Playing with Bendy Bones

I finally got around to playing with Algorith’s new bendy bones. Wow! Great job. First experiment was to throw a bendy bone in a simple leg rig and see how it behaved with simple mesh topology on a knee. I was really impressed. Now I have to figure out how to get this in some other rigs and start testing this as an alternative to fan bones in other joints, topology changes etc. Shoulder, here I come, you little devil! Attached I rigged a fat pant leg with no helper bones at all, just the bendy bone using it to deform the volume in a simple knee joint in the mesh. Works good. Play the animation and you can see how nicely the deforms are working.

Heya stilltrying,

I took a look at the file. There are no keyframes on the knee or any of the bendy bone parameters. I am assuming the knee is the reason for the example file. You should recheck the file. Also, there are a few textures included in the file that are not necessary. It’s bloating the size to 28 megs. If you delete them out and re-upload, I think you can save a bunch of space and still get the idea across.

I look forward to checking out what you’ve come up with.

Sorry about the bloat in the file. It’s one of my characters. If you just hit alt A it should play in pose mode. Keyframes are on the thigh and shin bones. Bendy bone is just parented to one and I added the control bones to the end in the bendy bone panel. OOPS Here it is shrunk.

bbexp.blend (778 KB)

Thanks, stilltrying. It was my own fault. I open the file with 2.77 instead of 2.78. That is why I could not see what was happening with the bendy bones. I appreciate you taking the time to lighten the file.

Looks good.