Playing with textures

I snagged that 124mb texturepack that ripsting posted a link to. Really cool stuff, i cooked up this image in about 30 minutes or so with it. I know its not perfect, but i was just playing with the textures so hey. Hehe…

wow, i should go DL that

That is way cool. I grabbed that texture pack too, I think (You mean the ‘Photo Realistic Textures’ one that some guy assembled for FPS map makers, right?)

I keep meainng to use those textures in something…

Those are some nice ones. I especially like that cement. The crates look excellent too.

Can you post a link to the texture pack?

Just check the sticky textures thread in news and chat

Yeah it was that one for mappers.

Which is great because i play around with quake3 maps sometimes so ill probly play with them in qeradiant too.

Do you have a link to that texture pack? I looks like it’s realy usefull. :stuck_out_tongue:

it looks a bit flat, like games.

could be the lighting, or just because they are textures on planes… everything IS flat :slight_smile:


Photoreal texture pack for quake, unreal, also has hires targas:

Texture gallery from Elysiun users is at

topic drift

How do I contribute images to that archive? I have quite a few photos that people might find useful. Also so random textures I did up.

check the middle of that page for upload information

Dude i spent 30 minutes on it :expressionless: