please help: copy file on windows looses content

hy all,

when I copy a directory with a blend file with all subdirectories from one windows xp machine to the other for using it with blender 2.41 I loos all sound files and - surprisingly- some uv-pngs.

(even the same path to the folder containing the blend file and its sub-dirs on both xp machines!)

packing might not be the solution as unpacking does not seem to work stable on windows (cannot create dir errors).

the packed images are still thare but reloading or replacing does not work.

any ideas?
THX in advance

What are you packing them with? .zip?

no, in blender: under file -> pack data

I don’t think packing works correctly on sounds

[which is annoying]

Though, I haven’t had any issues like you describe when unpacking.