Please help for npr shading!

i am having extreme trouble with this, i will let the image speak for its self. I think that the character looks alright, but the rest…
i am really not sure what style i am even going for, and this is my first npr, and character project for that matter. i would really, really appreciate some advice and feedback, along the lines of : what style you think suits, why it looks garbage, and how to improve it. if you need it, i can post a link to the shader. if you have a look at my other renders of this guy, you will see that they, in my opinion look ok, but as soon as i try to add any sort of background it all falls apart. i need to get this done by monday, and i would really appreciate help as soon as possible.

[quote=“Ninjacatgeorge, post:1, topic:1562626, full:true”]
i am having extreme trouble with this, i will let the image speak for its self. I think that the character looks alright, but the rest…
i am really not sure what style i am even going for, and this is my first npr, and character project for that matter. i would really, really appreciate some advice and feedback, along the lines of : what style you think suits, why it looks garbage, and how to improve it. if you need it, i can post a link to the shader. if you have a look at my other renders of this guy, you will see that they, in my opinion look ok, but as soon as i try to add any sort of background it all falls apart. i need to get this done by monday, and i would really appreciate help as soon as possible.

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Hi, I don’t have practical advise, it’s looking great, the only items that i think don’t match the style are the mountain’s sky and ground texture.
This guy’s work might inspire you for the backgrounds:
This one is for ground textures:

thanks for the fast reply i greatly appreciate it. yes you are correct now that i see it from your point of view, i think that is probably the issue. thanks again for the fast reply it means a lot.

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Your problem is that you’re mixing realistic PBR textures with an NPR character. If you want detailed backgrounds, you need to make them look more painted- refer to your favorite anime, Ghibli movies, Avatar: The Last Airbender, etc. On the other hand, if you want more of a graphic novel style, you’ll want to use more flat colors and gradients and less PBR textures


The floor of this scene should be stone tiles, not clay. :thinking:

Joseph actually has a really neat “Ultimate CEL shader” (UCSS) I played with that might help liven up your background. Which would also require more than just some planes and image textures. Comfee Mug has a tutorial on translating image textures to more Anime-like NPR shades. Otherwise grab a watercolor brush and do some dabbing just use a quick diffuse setup on the floor and mountains and a ton more lighting. Like when you think you’ve got enough suns add another one. But also, you’re the artist this is your work and be proud of it. This is where you’re at and with some more experience you’ll make more awesome stuff.

yeah that kinda what i was aiming for. i guess i got a bit lazy

hi everyone here. i thank you for all of your help and advice. i want to give everyone a gift. Its small and probably not that great, but anyways. if you look on the artwork page i have a link to the first iteration of my toon shader. no attribution or anything. have fun :grinning:, and if you don’t mind, let me know what i can improve, or anything that you have done to make it better. merry christmas!!!

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