Please help me create a character!

So i need a hand drawn cartoonish character ( realistic propotions but cartoon like textures. Look up Team Fortress 2 or Borderlands) but i suck at making characters! The character should be low poly ( bge ready ) but still good looking. I use alot of custom performance fixes ( like prerendering almost everything and then setting the models to shadeless ) so a character can have 7000 faces max. If thats too much i will try to deal with that myself.
I need to learn:
to make a basic / advanced humanoid character
to make a basic / advanced made up character ( skeletons, monsters, robots )
to texture them ( not drawing thou that would be cool too. Just texturing basic characters in general )
I can:
Make decent furniture
Make decent maps
Make anything which isnt organic.

If you are interested then add me on Skype or reply here!
Skype: Moustache Spy
Have a nice day fella
-Moustache Spy


C’mon… make a fan art! A homage. Show appreciation to the authors. Learn from their work. First step for an artist is to learn how to mimic, replicate, reproduce… be a good worker, team player. Then, and only after, devise own style.
It is common practice in process of learning.

Or… Use this:

Creative Commons Attribution, needs credit including a URL, the license is good go read it for more!
And remember, style can’t be copyrighted. (Yet, give congress/corrupt judges 5 years)

And you can make legal fan-art!!! Your brain works, in part, by fixing mistakes while you sleep, so fail a lot while awake and sleep in between failures.