Please HELP , Render is cutting Video from borders

I have an issue when rendering.
my render is shown as an image?

please help me :frowning:

A single cropped screenshot is not enough to know what’s going on or what the problem is, can you give more information about the project?
Or even share a simple version of the .blend file to look at?

You can find all resources :slight_smile:

:upside_down_face: Come on… a little explanation of what’s happening and what you want/need would help a lot. Help us help you!

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okey , when i render , the output is like image shown below

part of corner is missing and cut off .

Are you using the lens deform node in compositing?

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Ah so it’s a VFX shot, a simple solution to shots like this is to crop the entire image at the end (by scaling everything a bit after the Alpha Over node) so there’s no missing information at the corners. This works if you’re working with high enough resolutions, so scaling the final output won’t pixelate or loose quality.

You could also try to apply the distortion back at the end, after mixing the live action plate and the render.

Question, the original footage distortion was bulging out or bulging in?
I ask because depending on that the process to mix the images changes:

Thanks a lot for supporting.
I chose to distort and then scale a little bit, and it works properly now :slight_smile:

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