please , how can i make car deform by hitting objects ?

help please
i want to make a simple car crash
i made a simple car , i want it to deform when it hit an object
how ?

its ok to be not realistic

I’ve seen this done using softbody physics, but haven’t tried it myself. Maybe check into that, or you could just animate shape keys, and sculpt the damage. That would be a lot quicker and easier probably.

thanks :slight_smile:
but i don’t know sculpting yet , maybe its time to learn it :slight_smile:

I would check into shape keys, and normal modelling is fine for those if you don’t want to get into sculpt mode yet.

Try the soft bodies method. Modern games also makes use of soft bodies for car crashes. Experiment with the stiffness. It should give a more realistic impact result that having to sculpt all the debris.