im new to blender…im not a complete noob, i know about the interface and about basic modeling but i want to create a new character of my own but i have no idea where to start…any advice? i want to make a rigged character like this little guy right here that i found in a game my brother plays…thanks in advance
Calm down=)
Well, you should first follow some tutorials on those subjects. This is a great tutorial, and after you’re done with it, you won’t have any problems doing that char:
This is a good tutorial. If you can do the tutorial, you can do that character=):
well first of all, think of a character you want to make, and sketch it. Then model it. Then unwrap it. Then texture it. Then rig it. Then animate it. Then do whatever you want with it.
dont think ive missed anything…
thats the character i want to model and i already have pictures of it…but i dont know how to start modeling it…
That one’s verry easy! just make a icosphere, grab it around to match the chest, and the head, make the ears out of extruded and deformed cubes, and the foot of cubes, then find some uv unwrapping tutorial.
this may sound noobish…but whats unwrapping?, and also i dont know how to model it with the icosphere
Nothing wrong with asking, but you should search first. Anyway, you should read this all first, or at least the parts that matter to you:
After that, you should be more or so ready to do that. As a bonus, here is an excelent tutorial. After you’re done with this one, you’ll think that character is a piece of cake:
Nothing wrong with asking, but you should search first. Anyway, you should read this all first, or at least the parts that matter to you:
After that, you should be more or so ready to do that. As a bonus, here is an excelent tutorial. After you’re done with this one, you’ll think that character is a piece of cake:
Sorry about all the posts, noobish of me, didn’t knew it had to first be approved by a moderator. Still haven’t read the forum rules…=\
What I was saying was:
Nothing wrong with asking, but you should search first. Anyway, you should read this all first, or at least the parts that matter to you:
After that, you should be more or so ready to do that. As a bonus, here is an excelent tutorial. After you’re done with this one, you’ll think that character is a piece of cake:
you could as start with a box and extrude it down and then out for an L shape and then subdivide it to round it off. To rectangles for the feet and add a circle for the nose.
isnt there a way someone can make a tutorial for this?
Please check this Videos out…
It was very helpful for me to become a modeler.
Since you seem to be a noob you might want to check out the Blender3d[Tutorial] Channelon vimeo. It has lot’s of tutorials in it about modelling. Go through it and see what you can pick up from there.
Other ressources that might be of interest can be found at
thanks alot you guys!
just a quick qestion…on average how long does it take for someone like me to go from a noob to a semi-pro
Depends on how much time you put into learning and using Blender.
Read those tutorials I sent you. Believe, they’re gonna help you. They helped me.
As for the time it takes, obviously it depends on the time you train everyday. As for me, it took me about maybe two months from being a noob to feeling comfortable with blender. However, i still am not comfortable with organic modelling, but i’m learning that now.
The noob to pro tutorial I sent you is well strutuctured, at least for some parts, but they should teach you much. Just don’t make haste and enjoy the trip;)
the problem right now is
- the character i want to model is from a game so i cant take exact side/top/front view pictures for backgroung image
- the lowpoly character tutorial u sent me…i dont understand how he set things up at the beggining because he says “if u dont know how to set it up, look at the ‘modeling a female head’ tutorial on my website” but that tutorial isnt on his website anymore!
i tried to make the body out of a uvsphere and the ears out of cylinder and a deformed spheres but it didnt work out…take a look…thank you for taking your time to help me