I do agree that the Knowledge Base is sorely outdated. It is almost worthless to anybody who has intermadiate to advanced skills in using Blender. Also, for the beginner, it can sometimes be very vague in explaining clearly techniques and how too’s. Myself and my son both donated $50 dollars each, to help free Blender, and love the Program, But as far as documentation is concerned, it lacks much. Sure there are alot of user Tutorials out there, some very good, most very vague. Blender is a very compicated program to master, and without good documentation it makes it a bear to use at times. I feel that the progress made with blender and its capabilities is extrodainary, but how to use all these new tools, hell, I dont know. Yafray, Python, Yable, Etc… The cutting tool. reflections, so on, the list go’s on. Sure I am pretty good at using the basics, such as Modeling, textures, Radiosity, but it would sure be nice to have something definitive in print to learn how to use Blender’s full capabilities to their fullest. When I ordered the gamekit, Honestly I was a bit dissapointed. It lacks almost any kind of in depth instructions on how to utilize the game engine, beyond very basic instruction. I am very hopefull, that the new book will be very informative and in depth, unlike the blender Gamekit. As soon as it became available I ordered it with great anticipation, and looked greatly forward to it. Even though I ordered it early mabey about # 80, and recieved the discount, I live in US so shipping and handling jacked it up any way, But that didn’t matter. I can’t wait to recieve it. Which brings my next response. I was greatly dissapointed when I read news of the 2 to 3 week delay in shipping of the manual. Sure, I would rather wait for a more refined, up to date, documented manual, but it still doesn’t change the fact I was dissapointed in the delay. Which I hope does not get delayed any further than a couple of weeks. (Fingers Crossed). Almost 1000 confirmed paid orders for the Manual, That’s I,m pretty sure is well over $40,000 Dollars US, and more. Im sure that the monies raised by Blender probably does not cover the cost of the publishing the time spent by the primary people involved, cost of servers, paypal and so on, but I was a bit dismayed with all the kiss ass responses to the thread on Blender.Org. about the dely in shipping the manual. “Hey it’s ok, I can wait, no problem your doing a great job.” “Hey the wait is ok, for something better.” “anything you all do is O.K., because you all walk on water.” Don’t get me wrong, Blender.Org, has certainly been very successful in their open source project, I remember when raising the 100,000$ to free the source, I was amazed at how fast it happened, and was very excited and proud to be a part of it. Then beyond that, the Developement and growth of Blender seems to be a great success. But, The $50.00 I paid to recieve a manual to be shipped out sometime the last week of December wasn’t easy. $50.00 Dollars may not seem like a whole bunch to some, but it is alot to me. When I have to cheat on my household groceries to pocket some extra cash for a manual I was hoping to have around now, It is a bit dissapointing to hear I have to wait longer than was originally said. I certainly will wait, and will always support Blender however possible. I certainly would want an up to date manual with the most recent release of Blender Documented, But it still doesn’t change the fact I am dissapointed in the delay. Accountability is always important with me, my wife and my two boys. Everyone knows in my family, if they say they are going to something at a certain time, they need to make sure it gets done, or have a damn good reason why they failed to make good on their word. Any way I thought I would choose the road less taken, and give a more Honest reply to the news of the delay. The explaination, though vague, certainly seemed reasonable and acceptable, But one way or the other, I was still let down. I hope no one takes this personal, Blender.Org is doing an Extra-ordinary job, I just hope in the future when a product is offered for a monatary value, that it will be ready when it was originally suggested.
NDNChief :-?